Sunday Camera Critters!
Normally, I wouldn't make two posts in one day, but this negates all else. I was on the patio repotting plants after golf, when I looked up to see Felicia sauntering across the backyard, yawning no less. She glanced at me a few times and I swear she was considering coming over to let me pet her. I got so excited that it was all I could do to very calmly walk up the stoop to the back door.

Here she is heading back to her opening in the fence.

Of course, as usual, I was not camera ready. So, I lightly tapped on the back door for Mr. Snooty to bring it to me. Unfortunately, I forgot that he's going deaf from all the loud rock & roll he listened to in his younger years. So, I tapped harder. Still no response. Great. Then, I practically broke the window pane with my last tap, which he finally heard. He was sitting less than 10 feet away. Good God! That man seriously needs a hearing aid before I strangle him with my two bare hands.
Here she is heading back to her opening in the fence.
For a large view, be sure to click on the pictures.
Felicia stayed so long in the yard, I thought for a brief moment that she was going to throw a towel down and sunbathe for a spell. Now I'm thinking she is entirely too familiar with us, haha.
Then, she turned around & shit in my yard. Thanks for that little token of appreciation there, Felicia. I can't begin to express how honored I am. Not. She honestly had a look on her face as if to say "Hey, lady, you want the picture, then you get to clean up the shit. That's just how I roll."
I got my pictures and am now revealing our lovely non-paying tennant, Felicia The Fox. When I'm done here, I'm going out to clean up the crap. With the good, always comes a bit of ugly. I guess I can live with that.
That is SO awesome! Felicia is COOL. You have a wonderful way of writing, I was truly entertained through this whole post, and laughing out loud on many occasions. Mainly because my husband is half deaf too, so I can TOTALLY relate.
LOVE this post. Thanks so much for this!
misty dawn: What are we going to do with these guys? Mine refuses to ever get a hearing aid, lol. What can you do?
Felicia is beautiful. Have you thought about the hidden meaning of her defecation while you watched? Heh...she's definitely marking her territory...
Like I said before, she doesn't do it in the garden, where she eats, lol.
phenomenal- I rarely see them . Great great pics- I enjoyed so much-- give us more!!sandy
TOO funny .. and not just Felicia's gift. MINE still listens to R&R AND he does it with sound elminating headphones so that when he watches a movie with me he insists the sound be LOUD .. and even then he often doesnt hear what's being said .. claims the sound isnt good, the actor is mumbling OR the background music is too loud ... at this point he asks me WHAT DID THEY SAY while the action/dialogue is continuing so I cant follow it because he needs me to repeat what he didnt hear .. and when I reply tersely he says you dont need to be snippy..........aaaaaaaaargh
I should 'toon that. I think I will.
Daryl: That is funny! I'll bet more than half of our generation is experiencing this very thing, as we speak, lol. When I talk really loud to make him hear me, he says I don't have to shout. Arrrgh! Whadyagonnado? Oh and when we watch a movie he complains that they all have bad sound and that it keeps going up & down, lol. The WHAT DID THEY SAY? thing goes on here too. Also, when we listen to audio books during travel. Or he falls asleep for nearly the entire book then wakes up & says DID I MISS ANYTHING? I tell him no and to go back to sleep, lol. You definitely have some decent toons material here. You go girl!
Sandy, thanks for dropping by. Since nothing in my life is exempt from blogging (now that I'm addicted), I'm sure there will be more than most people can tolerate.
Oh good you two needed a new pet!
Daughter, you are funny! Guess who gets to clean up all the crap? We're saving it for you when you come to visit next, lol. J/K I told your Dad it was his pet and he should do it. He said I was the blogger taking pics of her & I should do it. Guess who won?
I love Felicia, she's beautiful.
She's gorgeous! And named after me. How thoughtful. :D
flea: I had no idea Felicia was your real name, lol. I love that name and Francesca, but Felicia just seemed so appropriate. She looks so sweet.
What great photo you got there, but i hear that they can get dangerous
I can't believe she stuck around long enough for you to get pictures! She really is beautiful.
She is beautiful! I also love that sculpture near the wooden gate. When you figure out a cure for the slow, deaf husband, please let us all know!
Oh Felicia is so beautiful. Aren't you lucky to have her, poop and all? All I have are squirrels and birds and would love to see a fox in my yard.
Too funny about the hearing aid. Around here I'm the one needing it.
Oh — what excellent luck. And she is such a pretty animal. Thanks for posting!
I was having coffee on the backporch this morning and here came the fox again. She almost came right up to me and I got freaked out and ran inside the house. I guess I'm not Snow White after all, lol.
Oh she is so pretty! Sounds like she is very used to you all. Does she have any kits?
They scare me!
Wow! How exciting. I've been waiting with "baitedd" breath to see the shy Felicia. Love your posts, and hope that even with the calling cards you won't stop getting pictures of Felicia.
I wish I could see her face more clearly. She does look lovely however, even from a distance!
I totally understand the deaf husband thing. I am constantly turning TOG's (The Old Goat) TV down. He runs the volume on about 20-25 when 18 is enough to drown out the TV downstairs! I won't even get started on his eye-tunes!
Yes! I am amazed she stayed that long, also! You were so lucky! No violence now! LOL
You got her! Yeah! I can't remember when I have been so excited about something!
Felicia is beautiful and she rocks! SOOOOOooooo very cool that you got the pictures!
Felicia is beautiful and she rocks! SOOOOOooooo very cool that you got the pictures!
Thanks everyone! Strangely enough, today I have been on the patio numerous times and haven't seen the little lady once. Hmmm... I'm thinking it must be too hot. It is 100 degrees in the shade today. Ugh.
I really enjoy stopping in on your blog from time to time and the last two times--with these foxes--were special treats. Keep on blogging and taking fox pictures! -- Polly-A.
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