We arrived at the church about 15 minutes before the wedding was to start. We were handed these gorgeous programs for the ceremony. Our Galveston friends' son was an usher, so we spotted him and he raced over to us so that he could be the one to seat us. He is so adorable! Evidently, I'm falling behind on things, because I didn't realize that they don't seat you according to bride's or groom's side anymore. Good. That could so often be noticeably lop-sided, so this is a good change.
After the seating of the Grandmothers and the mothers, the procession finally began. The bridesmaids had on the most divine pale mocha colored full length satin strapless gowns. Each one also had a matching satin shawl that they each had tied where it goes around the shoulders, under the arms, and ties in the back. So fashionable. And, they all chose to wear their hair *up* in the Breakfast-At-Tiffany's-Audrey-Hepburn style. It was so incredibly chic! I never had that kind of style back when we got married at 25. I was a tasteless babe in the woods compared to this.
At that moment I started thinking that the groom's mother, my deceased best friend, would have been so pleased and proud. Frankly, I knew beforehand that I would do it to myself. I was starting to tear up and I knew what was just around the corner. The dam bursting. Oh, no. No. I kept telling myself "Don't do this now. You'll ruin your makeup and make a complete idiot out of yourself." Still, it looked like a pretty sure thing. Until the minister said something that totally stunned me.
He began to speak to the couple about how the odds were against them and that in all probablility, they would end up divorced. Then, he proceeded to go on some kind of rant about marriage being on the eve of destruction and all kinds of chaotic thoughts. Whew! I'm not even sure what he said for a bit after that zinger because my brain had frozen on that. I looked at Mr. Snooty for some kind of recognition but I'm pretty sure he was asleep. I looked to my other side where an adorable young man (friend of the couple) was sitting and he looked at me. We both had these looks on our faces that said WTH? As I glanced around the full church I saw that it was contagious. Many others seemed to have the same look upon their faces. Anyway, this continued on and this young man next to me & I got the giggles. I know, I am 55 and should be able to control such behavior. Especially in church. Especially as an example to younger people.
Tonight, I was the poster child for How Not To Act in Church, especially a wedding. It turned out to be one of those almost painful giggles where you want to stop really badly, but every time that you even glance sideways at the other giggler, it starts all over again. Yes, I'm ashamed to admit it. It reached a point that I almost had to be removed from the church. From the church where my best friend's son was getting married. My best friend who died two years ago today. I have a sneaky suspicion that she may have had a hand in this. She always was a very resourceful girl.
I've never before been to a church of this particular denomination and I don't want to name names, but it starts with an L. Unlike those starting with an M, a P, a C, or a B. I was definitely schooled tonight, in a round about way. It still did not help me to keep myself in check, most unfortunately.... I'm just thankful that we were sitting in the very back of the church. I think we went relatively unnoticed other than those sitting... oh, say... 10-15 rows away in every direction. Yes, I acted like a 12 year old. With my cute 25 year old boyfriend sitting next to me. While Mr. Snooty was asleep on the other side of me. During the wedding ceremony. Surely this is going to put us over the top for that *Couple of the Year* nomination.
Anyway, back to the wedding. Stay focused. At the church they had an entire orchestra playing, which included horns and strings. It was truly beautiful. Then, during the lighting of the candles, they had someone else playing a harp with music that was so soothing, I nearly started racking Z's. Until I looked over at my new boyfriend turned-partner-in-crime. All I had to see was his shoulders shaking from laughter with my peripheral vision. It started all over again. I AM SO IMMATURE!!!!! So, when the final prayer was said, I asked God to please protect these two precious young people and PLEASE don't let me get started with the giggles again. Please. I beg you. Probably shouldn't have wasted a God Beg there, but I was on the verge of going over the edge... publicy, no less.
The wedding lasted approximately 35 minutes, but we had been instructed to remain seated until all of the rows in front of us were escorted out of the sanctuary. Well, there's a good argument for not sitting in the back. Which I leaned over and whispered to my new young
boyfriend. Which caused the giggling to begin again. So, we both did the proper thing and bowed our heads as we tried to suppress our hysteria. You know, so we'd look like we were praying or something virtuous like that. Which drew a look of disapproval from Mr. Snooty when he woke up. I gave him one right back. I'd rather be guilty of giggling in church than sleeping. Thank you very much.

Shortly after the ceremony everyone congregated again at The Petroleum Club for the reception and sit down dinner. When we first arrived the bride & groom had not yet arrived, so I got a
quick shot of the gorgeous wedding cake and the amazing flowers. The appetizers included assorted canape's, boiled shrimp w/ cocktail sauce, assorted cheeses and an Open Bar. They also had a string quartet playing during the hors d'oeurves. Mr. Snooty and I started thinking that this was all that was going to be served, so we were discussing whether or not to leave in a bit to go feed elsewhere.

Then, a friend of mine mentioned that we should go retrieve our dinner placecards, which had the table number on it. Seeing the puzzled looks we had, she said that behind the white satin
curtains (the main dining room) was where our dinner awaited. You see, I knew this was going to be a sit-down dinner but Mr. Snooty had somehow convinced me I was wrong. You know, because he's always so knowledgeable about everything, all the time. Hello. He was wrong. I was right. SCORE!!!! Here's a picture of the *Menu*. It was wonderful. Enough said.

Then, the bride & groom danced, then bride & father of the bride danced. They had the most
outstanding jazz band with a female lead singer who was amazing. Then, although there was a fabulous main dinner table for the wedding party, this interesting young couple went out and worked the crowd. I loved it! I saw them sitting for perhaps 5 seconds, as you will see in the shots that I was trying to take. The rest of the time they were going around speaking to literally everyone in the room. It was quite something to witness. I'm still in awe of these two.

If anyone else remembers being made to stand in a reception line at their wedding, please raise your hand. How boring and dull and totally uninventive. I remember how horribly my feet hurt and that I hardly knew any of the people. Fun times there. Tonight, this couple made sure that they spoke personally to everyone, gave hugs to everyone, made everyone else feel special. It was truly the most enchanting wedding reception that I've ever been to.
Oh! Then, as a wedding favor, they had CD's of their favorite romantic music for all to listen to on the way home. 

All in all, we had a most wonderful time. I think this couple is going to be married as long as they live. No doubts whatsoever.
So, after the reception they were off by private plane to Dallas and then on to Fiji for two weeks. Even though we wished them well, I don't think they will need it. These two special young people have their feet firmly planted on the ground and know exactly what their future is all about. Wow! I wish I'd been so confident at that age.

They had roses in great abundance and I have never been one to pass up smelling the roses. We'll talk about the change in outfits for the wedding when I am able to speak rationally & not sound like a lunatic when I talk about it.
Wow. Sounds beautiful. Turning that giggle box over in church is always trouble. And contagious. And those flowers!
What a wonderful time you had ... the last wedding I went to was in the home of the bride's family on a rain swollen river in Virginia .. it rained the entire weekend .. the wedding was moved indoors and the ushers were parking cars and carrying female guests over the muddy lawn .. the food was horrible .. and not much of it .. thankfully there were lots of finger food snacks as a sort of after dinner nosh .. so I am in envy of your time at this simply magnificent party .. especially the flowers ... BTW .. you look lovely!
It looks and sounded like a lovely wedding with the exception of the beginning words. I just love weddings. As for the giggling, maybe it was your nerves playing with you.
Sounds like a fun time, even though the preacher was funky...
Simply gorgeous, my youngest girl child is getting married aug09 and preparations are in four binder note books,flowers, food, music, seating and staging etc etc. I hope it turns out as elegent and pleasant as this was for you all. Where's the pic of you and your beautiful outfit?
I love the picture with you and the roses! What was the preachers problem. What a wet blanket to throw on a wedding.
Now that I've read my post from last night I realize that I probably should have waited until today to write it. It sounds a bit jumbled. I'm sure the champagne, white wine, red wine, and mixed drinks had nothing to do with that.
I feel like crap today. I know better than to mix all those, but we were having so much fun that I didn't care. Today I wish I had cared.
I hope someday I can sit beside you at a wedding-- are you as much fun at funerals too? (I giggle at REALLY inappropriate times, like when told someone's died-- it's a nervous thing, but I can promise you, no one cuts me any slack).
The wedding sounds beautiful, I'm glad you had a great time (and I didn't think it sounded jumbled at all).
Wow! I can't imagine getting married and having the minister say all that stuff. I, as the bride, probably would have got the giggles -- or maybe cold feet. I don't know. That is hilarious!
Of course, last night while writing this I was laughing, giggling, slinging laugh snot everywhere and just thought I was the funniest thing ever. Today, with a hangover, it just isn't that funny now. So, maybe everyone should have a couple of drinks before reading this, lol. It gets better. Honest.
It IS funny! Also, that pic of you smelling the roses is beautuful and priceless at the same time. You need to get that one in a special place.
Oh, and P: Yes, I can be equally as immature at funerals. I'm a weeper. A giggler. Basically, an all around goofball. At 55. How lovely.
Hey I wish you had been with me the other day. I had a few too many drinks at my own dad's memorial. OMG! right? I could have used a partner in crime that day. Looking forward to the post about the yummy outfit you didn't wear lol.
Mamahut: I'm so sorry your Dad didn't make it. I know you had great hopes. Just know that it was his time. Just make yourself keep going through the daily routine and before you know it, things get easier. The pain never goes away, but it does get easier to deal with. Besides, your memories of him are his living legacy.
Thanks Snooty
What a great wedding it looks like...and beautiful to boot...I cry at ALL weddings...I am such a hopeless romantic! Thanks for all the great pictures!
The dude that officiated my wedding started chanting... we think in hebrew. I could hear my family choking behind me, trying not to laugh.
Those flowers are amazing!
That looks like it was a wonderful wedding!
Those flower arrangements are beautiful!!
and I can't believe that minister! what a dooche! ;o)
How wonderful does that sound. So spphisticated and charming!
It's always great to go to a wedding like that.
Sounds like you had a blast at the church too! He-he
Well, the minister DID provide the entertainment, lol.
Mr. Snooty and I are still talking about that one, even though he slept through most of it. He's the same way on car trips. I drive. He sleeps....
I'm amazed at the minister's comments. Holy doodle!
It looks as if everyone had a great time, though.
I got the giggles at my best friend's wedding. It was a very solemn occasion in a cathedral, and I sat there giggling all the way through it. My sides were hurting from trying to contain myself.
Do you remember the episode on Mary Tyler Moore when she sat there giggling all through Chuckles the Clown's funeral? *heh*
It happens!
Josie, I do remember Mary crying through his funeral. Maybe that's where I first learned this type of behavior, lol.
You write very well.
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