Then, this miraculous, aporetic thing happens to your life. Once you get over the initial shock of the kids being grown & gone, you realize that you're still a vital, living, breathing human being who still looks great, wants to have fun, and suddenly remembers a vocabulary long forgotten. It's like a gift, really. You wake up one day & realize that you've still got a lotta living to do and you damn well don't want to do it without style! At this point, they're going to have to drag me kicking & screaming from this world, because I'm not going without a damn good fight. I want to live long enough to spend my children's inheritance, at the very least.

So, I have finally found a WINNER! These jeans are so wonderful that I bought TWO pairs, which is my normal M.O. when I find things I like. They look great, are stretchy, and give the illusion of being hip-huggers (minus the belly & various other over-hangs). Plus, they are modestly priced, can be dressed up or down, and they make me look ultra skinny!! I have a longer pair that I wear with heels and another shorter pair I can wear with flats, like my new favorite leopard print flats. I am infinitely more comfortable in flats, but occasionally like to dress things up a bit, without reeeeally getting dressed up. Like to go to lunch with friends or a quick Mexican food dinner with the hubby.
Don't grab your purses & dash out the door yet. These jeans are available on fleabay for a fraction of what they cost through someone's home-show. Of course, I bought mine from a friend who sells this line from her home, and I was glad to help her out while I was spending money. Might as well help someone through my urges to spend, right? Anyway, she was 100% right about the jeans & I adore them. Everywhere I wear them, friends & strangers compliment the way I look in them. Now, what's not to love about that? For the first time in years, I have a really great new wardrobe and can always feel confident about how I look, anywhere I go. Besides, the best part of all is that they are tagged a size 6 and I wear 10's & 12's. Well, HOT DAMN! I'll buy anything that fits and says it's a 6!
So, it seems I've finally come full circle and am beginning to feel young again. As a matter of fact, hubby & I are going to Los Angeles in March to visit our very important assistant music producer daughter and for once, I hope I don't embarrass her with the way I look. I think she'll be pleased with this new transformation... Oh - and the hubby & I are planning to go to Disneyland during our stay, just for shitz & giggles. Neither of us has ever been, so we (actually, I mean me, myself & I) are excited. The hubby is just being nice to say he'll go along, since he NEVER went on any of the amusement park trips I took the kids kids on 3 or 4 times a year. I finally get a small dose of revenge. hehehehehe... He's going to just LOVE the roller-coasters... NOT!
I am happy that you are happy. Seriously. There's nothing better than reading a happy person's blog. :o)
I recently bought my very first pair of "mom jean's". Cause well, there ARE more comfortable...
Maybe I should break this habit now. ha ha.
You'll have fun at Disneyland.
MOM JEANS! OMG I am soooo guilty of that. The jeans you found look really cute! Unfortunately I'm a size 16 now (gag) and it's gotta be up to the waist line or my curves spilleth over in a most unflattering way. Thank God for poofy, billowy blouses - that's all I can say.
Shhhh... because I'm only telling you two this. I still have my "mom jeans" & wear them around the house... because they are still soo comfortable. They're kinda like my security blankee. As a matter of fact, I think I'll get out of my robe & go put them on, LOL!If it's any consolation, I've been every size known to woman, which is why MY CLOTHES are filling all 6 closets in our house. I never know when I'm going to blossom out again, so I need all those sizes. Hopefully, after I'm done with menopause I can pick a size & stick with it, but probly not, since I've been a yo-yo since Jr. High. I believe that the word "tunic" is far too prevalent in my wardrobe vocabulary.
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