I've at last come to the conclusion that this whole thing with Fred and Bessie being passed from blogger to blogger is sheer genius and reminds me of the movie "The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants", hence I'm
I always liked that idea and I believe that what Ms. Flea started is a positive, wonderful, heart-felt movement inspired by a simple set of ceramic salt and pepper bovines. It helps the readers get to know each hostess and their environment better, allowing the hostess to see things from an entirely new perspective as well. Mr. Snooty mentioned how silly he thought it was, as I'm sure many readers would agree, but it goes so much deeper than the silliness. It's actually just another much needed form of female bonding and therapy. The very thing we all need as a result of living in a world filled with crime, violence, hate, judgement, wars, malcontent, and all the other vile contents of Pandora's Box.
I never got to take F and B to a Midland Rockhounds (Triple A) baseball game, nor did we ever make it out to The Confederate Air force Base, which houses a large number of World War II fighter planes as well as an amazing amount of WWII memorabilia. However, I've come to see my town in a new light and have decided that perhaps Midland isn't such a dull place. You just have to look a little harder for excitement. Snooty Cat *Trouble* is going to miss the bovines tremendously. She was beginning to think they were relatives, being the same color and all.
Fred And Bessie Experience The Flat Lands and Oil Wells...
As promised, I took F and B for a nice ride outside of town in order to see some real drilling rigs and pump jacks. They were so tickled until they saw the real thing and realized how unglamorous it all is. It's a dirty, dangerous business and the only perk is the money. Drilling for oil is a complete gamble, no matter how great everything looks from all aspects. It's still a shot in the dark. You have to be a gambler in this business, which means taking the bad with the good, and it isn't always fun. Perhaps this is why so many people out here like to go to Las Vegas. People in the oil business are basically gambling fools. Some are just luckier than others.
Now, our section of the West Texas Permian Basin is as flat as a
Since we have such an abundance of mesquite around here, you'd have to be a moron to buy it for smoking & cooking. As a matter of fact, I have some out in the alley that I use on occasion. Do you see the green bushy looking things off the side of the road? That's Mesquite.
Now, when drilling for oil, a drilling rig is placed on the site, like the one you see in the distance. Once oil has been found, a pump jack is put into place to extract the oil. If a pump jack is operating, then you see it moving up and down. If it is no longer pumping out crude oil, then it remains stationary. Fred and Bessie thought it
Many say that Texas is being taken
At any rate, I believe Fred and Bessie had a most excellent time in West Texas and I know I will miss their sweet faces when they are gone. It has been great fun being their hostess.
And you were such a great hostess! I think they had a blast! Can I send you my kids?
I love these cow posts. They're hilarious!
I am sure Husband will echo Mr Snooty ... sad for them they dont get it ...
And I am hoping to show Fred & Bessie as much fun as you did ...
I cant wait for them to arrive ...
You are going to miss those cows...just wait and see;)
Um, Snooty? Could you please email me? fleabyte@gmail.com
I've been trying to contact you about their next destination, which was supposed to be Seattle. Please get in touch?
Ooooops! Apparently I made a big Boo Boo and didn't even know until just a little while ago.
I did not know that Fred and Bessie were already in pocession of tickets to Seattle, to see AsthmaGirl.
So, I apologize to everyone invloved. I didn't know the procedure.
Anyway, I do hope they have fun and spread joy wherever they may travel.
Girl, wherever Fred and Bessie go, they'll have fun and spread that cow kinda love.
You did good with them!
Why is it the men are not getting this? I get looks all the time when I am explaining something about a blog to Cookie.
I will now be following the saga of Fred and Bessie that I wasn't even aware of before you, Mrs. Snooty.
Was your cat doing a little "cow tipping"?
Whoever recieves them, they'll have a hard time living up to the good time Fred and Bessie have with you!
Cow tipping....LOL!
Lord, y'all make me laugh!
(as she treks off to shoot sporting clays in the hot, humid rain of Dallas for the day...)
Sorry to panic, there. So where are they actually headed now?
Aha .. so I guess I will have to live the saga via blog post .. no problem ...
Lizzie .. I have emailed you but you didnt reply .. please dont worry about apologizing .. I am not upset
Disappointed but not upset
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