I assume you remember my recent mosquito bite on the neck, which has still not gone away. With that in mind, I started thinking that there was just something wrong with it still being a prevalent mark on my neck after FOUR weeks. Right? Then the thought hit me like a ton of bricks. I've had something similar several times before, but it just didn't immediately dawn on me. RINGWORM. Freaking ringworm on my already increasingly unattractive wattle. A Google Images search confirmed my suspicions and I sat here at my computer with mouth open and eyes gaping.

It's a simple diagnosis really, although many dermatologists are unable to reach that conclusion. The last time I had something like this I went to the dermatologist, who informed me that I had excema and then prescribed a cream for it. After two weeks of using the cream, my *spot* on my shin had doubled in size. So, I called the pharmacy to get a refill on the cream. When I went to get it, the pharmacist looked at my shin and immediately asked, "You aren't putting this cream on that, are you?" I replied with a yes and he immediately began to chuckle, then said, "That's ringworm and the cream is making it worse." As it turned out, he was correct. The freaking dermatologist (that I'd paid a small fortune to) had misdiagnosed a simple case of ringworm! The pharmacist then handed me a small tube of Tinactin, telling me to use it on the ringworm twice a day. In two or three days it was totally gone. How soon we forget little things that have happened to us in the past.
My children also both had ringworm a couple of times, so I'm no stranger to this. I can't help but wonder WHY didn't I see it for what it was? I'm chalking it up to *senior moments* and the gradual loss of memory.
The first picture is of the first week, which was a month ago. The second picture is what it looked like two days ago. The third picture is 8 hours after starting the application of the Tinactin. Well, DUH!
And I foolishly thought we got smarter as we got older........ Hmmmm... I think you need a fully functional brain for that.
I am so glad you realized what it was!!! I too, have moments like that, so do not feel bad.
Glad you figured it out!
It will be nice to have it gone for your trip to CA!
Gawd ~ how'd you get that? Seriously? I've heard of it but never actually seen it before. Yuck.
OK now my post yesterday on playing with worms on the golf course is not looking so funny.
Did it hurt? I'm glad you are better.
Well, I like the matching earring....
And I once thought Doctors were almost Godly. Nope, merely humans! Glad you finally got it diagnosed. Sometimes self diagnosis is the best route!
ya know Ive had what I thought was a zit for MONTHS now. Off to the dermatoloist in an hour, but it looks a lot like that...hmmmm
I would have had no idea. Haven't had ringworm since I was a kid and I can't recall my kids ever having had it. Glad it's easy to treat!
This spider is very common around us...
Wolf spiders are unique in the way that they carry their eggs. The egg sac, a round silken globe, is attached to the spinnerets at the end of the abdomen, allowing the spider to carry her unborn young with her. The abdomen must be held in a raised position to keep the egg case from dragging on the ground. However, despite this handicap, they are still capable of hunting. Wolf Spider
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