There are still no roads and there are nothing but gigantic chunks of what used to be their street (concrete and blacktop). Therefore, we are spending the extra moola to rent an SUV (which is a completely outrageous cost per day in Houston), from the airport. That way, we can hopefully pull right up to the house. We would ONLY do this for our best friends.Trust me.
Honestly, this is not going to be any fun and none of us are taking anything nice to wear. It's going to be nothing but a working weekend, where we fly there, get the job done, and fly home. I'm missing two Christmas Tea(s) parties and we get back home a mere 3 hours before THE Christmas party of the year, which I refuse to miss. Period. Whether or not I feel like going is entirely another story. Houston and Galveston are always so hot and humid that I usually arrive home feeling *sticky-icky*, so we'll have to wait and see. I haven't even bought a new outfit to wear to the party, but I'm sure no one ever really notices what I wear anyway, so I'm good with wearing an old outfit. If anyone does notice, and says something, I'll just thank them for pointing it out.
To tell you the truth, our friends have handled this whole tragic mess far better than I ever could have. I'd still be a blubbering mess anytime someone brings it up. What am I saying? I'm that way now and it isn't even our house...
So, today we had the winds from Hell... gusting up to 65 MPH, wreaking havoc all over town. Another huge limb was snapped off our Texas Laurel tree, which is right by the kitchen. I was standing there preparing dinner, at the kitchen windows, when it happened and it totally freaked me out. Thank Heaven we have screens on those windows because when the limb snapped, it fell to the windows and basically bounced off the screens then hit the ground. Whew! Disaster averted. I checked, and those are the only screens we have on the entire house. I'm dead serious.

Also, they were re-roofing the house across the street today and I was just sure that one of those guys was going to get blown of the roof. However, I think they must wear boots with weights in them. I never saw an ambulance. :-)
We aren't even taking our laptop, so I'll read you when I get back home....
Travel safe ... I know that having you (and the others)there will make your friends 'mess' so much easier to cope with. You are a good friend, Liz!
Travel safely! It is a good thing you are doing and the karma will come right back at ya ;0)
Now that's what I call a good friend... someone who'll help clean up a hurricane mess. Have as much fun as you can under the circumstances. :-)
You are a good friend, Ms. Snooty...safe travels.
You are good friends. Stay safe! xoxo
I'm really not talking about this just so I can hear what great people we are. We're just average, so-so folks. But, what I really intended to focus on is the fact that Galveston & West Galveston Island still have many problems and they are a very long way from recovery still. There is still a lot of devastation, but I'll now get to see it first hand and I'm scared...
It takes way too long for devastation like that to get repaired and sometimes it never gets back to normal. It really is wonderful that you and Mr. Snoots are going to help them, not all friends would do it.
Be safe and work hard!!
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