As those guys were leaving, the next round of workers arrived. These workers were here to fix several light sockets that had gone bad as well as putting in light switches where we used to have pull strings. I hated those pull strings because they were always breaking. They were also able to repair the inside switch to my ceiling fans on the back patio (I love my outdoor fans). The guys were also here to install a grounded line to the den so that we can switch to AT&T this week (they required that we have a grounded line before they could switch us over). One guy was up in the attic running the cable wire, one working on the light sockets and another working on the fan switches. It was total madness with them all yelling at each other while trying to figure out the intricate electrical system in this house. I was running from room to room trying to oversee everything, although I don't know why. I wouldn't have been any use to any of them.
Just as they were finishing up, my favorite
So, my freshly mopped brick floors are now gritty and dirty from all the man shoes (or work boots) coming in and out of the house. (I think the Japanese are brilliant for taking off their shoes before entering an abode.) There is some unknown crap all over the carpet that came from the entrance to the attic, my stove area is a mess and there is sawdust all over the place as well as discarded wires and other unknown items. Basically it just means it was a wasted day for the housekeeper. I get to do the floors all over again but I really think I should wait.
The AT&T guys and the guys repairing my exhaust fans come tomorrow and a carpenter coming Friday to make a drawer underneath the ovens where there is now a gap.... Do you think they'd be offended if I tell them to leave their shoes at the door?
Sounds like you need a drink. Or four:)
MPM always leaves her shoes in the foyer of friend's homes. Except mine...what's up with THAT??
Isn't it nice to have everything in working order?
WV: tipsis: "After Ms. Snoots gave all the workers "tipsis", she was quite broke."
Wait, wait...go back. You have a housekeeper? I'm insanely jealous!
You had me at sparkling...*tear*
I hate having "worker bees" into the house, but I know that sometimes it has to be done. My cable guys have booties they put on in the house to protect the floors, and my bug guy takes his shoes off... so yes, I guess you can ask them to do that. So much going on at your house, but the end result should be worth it!
Story of my life! My house is clean for exactly 4 hours till the boys get home and then it is back to mess!
I think I might go to a medical supply and see if I can buy a bunch of those shoe covers...
When it's all done, settled and clean you will be so happy!
Yikes .. Calgone take her away!
It was more like Vodka, take me away...
OMG YOU'RE GETTING AT&T U-VERSE?!?!?!? I'm so j-faced!!!!!!! We live 2 blocks away from the U-verse area and can't get it here :'( Luckyyyyyy! The stoves look great, can't wait to see everything in August! Woohooo!
I wouldn't clean until the last workman leaves! And wow... you're busier than me!
Won't it be great when everything is running smoothly!
Yes, the At&T guy has been here all day and we now have U-Verse for cell phone, TV, Internet and our land line. I'm still trying to figure out how to set up an AT&T account. I am so computer challenged it's ridiculous. Now I have a whole new slew of things to figure out. Just what I wanted. Argh!
The other guys that took my exhaust fan motors never showed up today which means we don't have any electricity over the stove area, nor do we have exhaust fans. Geeze, I hope the guy wasn't lying. But, the ovens are totally awesome!
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