I feel even worse than I did back in high school on report card day. I always knew I was getting a D in Spanish, but I always hated it back then and could have cared less if I ever learned the language. The difference is that now I care about learning, I just might not have enough brain cells left to support that learning period.
Apparently Mr. Snoots tired of hearing me whine about the difficulty I was having so he told me to buy the Rosetta Stone Italian course, which I did after I recovered from the initial shock of the cost. Let me just say that so far, I think their program is brilliant. Just don't ask me to say anything intelligible yet. I can't even make it past the first lesson thus far. But, I just started today. I might have made a major faux pas, but I chose to buy the level 2 course because it had more of the conversational Italian than the other levels. Time will tell.
I think it's important to immerse yourself in the entire Italian experience, which means learning the language as well as the customs. What made me think I could learn another language? Oh, that's right. I forgot that I forgot I was losing my mind. Hell isn't other people. Hell is losing your own mind when you aren't even aware of it....
Ciao! For now.
You can do it, and you will do it! At least enough to understand Italian.
Wish I were going with you!
Download Coolgorilla Talking Phrasebook to your Iphone. It doesn't require using the internet while you are there (which can be expensive, I learned last year.)
Caio--did I spell it right? Have fun in Italy!!!!
Did you learn a language in school? If so you have the basics already!
Italy in September will be awesome. You should try to play golf when your there. Or at least meet one of the Molinari brothers. ;)
"Hell isn't other people. Hell is losing your own mind when you aren't even aware of it...."
I love this line! But I still think Hell is other people. If one isn't aware of losing one's mind then it shouldn't matter. Should it? :o)
Keep it up! Knowing some Italian will definitely add to your enjoyment of the trip.
O-M-G..me too! I'm in Rosetta Stone German HELL right now....
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