One of the best parts is that because this woman was an interior decorator, I found a roll of the same fabric that I can use to make some additional pillows to put in other chairs around the room. I'm also going to make some solid colored pillows to add to the sofa. I'm thinking a few strategically placed tropicals would really complete the look on this side of the room. The other fabric I purchased is going to cover the bench in the front hallway, which I'll do myself. If there is enough fabric left over I'll make a couple of pillows for the living room too.
Mr. Snoots doesn't care for change of any kind in his world, so for 33 years I've gone along with this. However, I put an end to it this week. I've changed so much in my tastes over the years, I can't begin to tell you how long I've been sick to death of that same blue and white furniture. It was never comfortable so no one ever wanted to sit in the living room. That too, is about to change.
I also purchased a cute little round, glass top metal table although I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it yet. Next, I need to get that peach colored chair re-covered because every cat we've ever had has used it as a scratching post. Or anything else for that matter. In the meantime, I wonder how I can explain to the cat how horridly painful it will be to have her devil claws removed at her age, if she doesn't stop shredding the furniture. I might have to murder her if she attempts to insert a claw... That, or ban her to the outdoors, but I could never stand the pleading & begging she does to gain entrance. I'm a total weenie. Does anyone want to take on a 16 year old female cat who is spoiled and shreds furniture at whim? Anyone? Bites people she doesn't like? Leaves enough cat hair on every piece of furniture in the house that it's enough to produce afghans commercially? Has a sensitive stomach and insists on only vomiting up hairballs in some prominent place in your home where guests will see it and get sick? Like on the front doormat and every single piece of furniture? It's a full time job just cleaning up after her. She's smart as a whip but doesn't mind a thing you demand of her? She just totally ignores it!? Come on. I know. She's a real gem. You know you want her.
Unfortunately, the living room is, at this juncture, a work in progress. It might be this way for some time to come, until I find just the right pieces I'm looking for. I'm still using the cocktail table and the end table from the old living room set, but only until I find something I really fall in love with. At that point, I will then put them both in the den and get rid of the old tables in the den, which were never good pieces to begin with. Just cheap. I've never been through this in my life and I'm afraid I have absolutely no taste and the place will look horrible. Thank gawd I have friends who will tell me the truth if it does.
Honestly, you didn't come out of Catholic boarding school or college with much taste or style back in my day, unless you learned it early on at home, or studied it in school. I didn't. My mother hired decorators, so their style was *her style*. It has taken me more than 30 years to know what I like. Now all I have to do is try and refine that and somehow reflect it in our home.
Help Mr. Wizard!
Why dont you go through the magazines and copy a room you like? I think the walls are a great colour so that's a huge part of the battle right there!
What's under the carpet?
Vol Fan is the same way - balks at ANY sort of change!!
Go buck wild woman! After 33 years, Mr. Snooty will just have to adapt!
I say, change away! Love the new furniture. The walls match the sofa perfectly. I like the way it brings out the blue in the fabric. I'm not an expert, but not sure the frog pillow adds elegance to the room. I might be tempted to share it with the baby foxes. ;)
Men... And a down sofa for $400? Um, yeah. Deal of the century. If you have a Restoration Hardware nearby, go check it out. Their paints are dreamy. I am thinking light silver sage....
I love the sofa and the pillow!!! How awesome that sale must have been.
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