My Italian still sucks but I understand enough and speak barely enough to squeak by on. I think. The whole point of this trip is to have a marvelous time, enjoy ourselves and be as happy as is possible for the trip. I. Am. So. Ready.
I did read one *tip* on the internet that I thought was absolutely priceless. Here it is. Spread out all of your clothes in one area of the room. Spread out your money in another area of the room. Then, take half as many clothes as you have laid out and twice as much money. A good suggestion, yes?
The other tip I just loved was: Don't even try to look as elegant as Italian women because you will never succeed. Just be yourself, dress like you normally would, and protect your belongings and valuables. Makes sense to me. Above all, wear comfortable shoes, which is also quite sensible.
As far as manners go, be polite, soft spoken, say "Ciao!" "Buon Giornio", "Per Favore", "Gracie" and "Buono Sera" at the appropriate times. Smile a lot and watch your belongings. Sounds pretty simple, right?
I just love my friend I'm traveling with although I'm rather uncertain that she feels the same way about me. I just hope she still wants to go. Come what may, I am going and there is no way I'd cancel, even if Satan himself was my travel partner. I would find a way to cope no matter what situations arose. Life is simply too short to deprive oneself of the joys in life just because you don't like certain actions of others or because they are not just like you. Learn to go with the flow and life will reward you....
La dolce vita! I DO LOVE BEING ME!
You will love every minute of it!!!! Ciao;)
I am so excited for you!!!! Have a wonderful time!
If she backs out, I WILL GO!!!!
I hope you have a fabulous time and I cannot wait to hear all about it! And seriously, what is the elegance secret that European woman have? Are they born with it?
Buon viaggio meraviglioso il mio amico!
Gracie to all!
Woody, if that does happen, then I say you are my favorite replacement. You love to do all the same things as I do. Go. Figure. ;-) Apparently, Italian women are born with their sense of style. Guess I missed out on that gene...
SJN: Molto gracie! (I think that's right, LOL!) We will hopefully rise above the problems of the past, with perseverance & faith. It WILL be a great trip! Hope you are doing well...
Bon Voyage Miss Snoots. Have a fabulous trip. My uncle who had circled the world a couple of times said this- Take clothes that you love, but that you can leave there. Even gently used US clothes are better than what most hotel workers have access to. You'll also have more room for what you buy. Take lots of photos! Ciao Bella.
Enjoy Italy. Take three outfits, or as Bodaciousboomer said, take things you can leave behind. Take at least 2 pairs of comfortable shoes and rotate them. We inadvertently left clothing in Barcelona after our western Mediterranean cruise and didn't even really realize it for about 3 weeks!
Most of all have fun and by all means speak the language. I think most Europeans are very excited that we Americans are willing to try to learn their languages. Can't wait to read about your trip.
Call or write home...
I can't wait to hear all about your fantastic adventure. Take lots of pics! Have fun!
Have an awesome time... I can't wait to see your pictures! It's so true about not even trying to be as elegant as the Italians. When I'm in Italy... or France for that matter... I always find that when I embracing my own friendly accessible American style the local people love and respect it.
Buon viaggio Signora Snooty!
good points and the details are more precise than elsewhere, thanks.
- Murk
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