It's always a good idea to have a game plan for when you get separated from your travel partner, which was something neither of us thought could or would happen. Unfortunately, it did happen and we both, individually, did not handle said separation well. Several hours later we were at last reunited, but not without calls to husbands first (although not by me). The last thing that Mr. Snoots wanted to hear from me was this exact situation. Frankly, he was forced to get over that the moment I hung the phone up on him. Yes, I did.
At any rate, we were eventually reunited and all was right with the world again. For a few hours anyway. The following morning we went to the neighborhood Banca di Roma to exchange our American dollars for Euros but Italians don't want our worthless American dollars, nor do they want our American Express Traveler's Checks. I was so frustrated at this point, I began to bawl like a 5 year old child, with snot spewing out my nasal passages and all. The bank manager immediately agreed to exchange my $800.00 American dollars into 563.00 Euros, for which we were both very thankful. Yes, I was completely thrilled with being screwed, again. Why would I have listened to Mr. Snooty about Euros and traveler's checks when the last time he went to Italy was 1970? Hello.
Let me also just say that in order to enter any bank in Rome, you must go through an airport like security booth (with sliding glass doors on both sides), leaving everything but your clothing in a locker you pay for with the security guard on the outside. We were more than certain our attractive security guard wanted us to dis-robe completely, but he had to dream on. Can we spell *pain in the azz*? But, it certainly must quell those pesky would-be bank robbers, not to mention the crazy Americano la donnes that want to exchange currencies. Uh-Huh.
Walking back to our flat, we both agreed it was a good thing that I've had acting classes and learned to *internalize*, therefore making it easy for me to cry on queue. (Okay, sometimes, but not quite on queue.) Frankly, had our husbands not been so unwilling to let us loose in Italy with their ATM cards, this entire scenario would have never happened.
By the way, we had both also taken several thousand dollars each, in AMEX traveler's checks, which are basically no longer accepted anywhere outside the U.S., which is something we weren't aware of. Not even our banks were aware of this, (or just didn't tell us). Since we aren't a large city, we were told getting Euros would take 1-2 weeks. Evidently, there has been a lot of counterfeiting and such involving traveler's checks, so DON'T TAKE TRAVELER'S CHECKS outside the country, or anywhere else for that matter. It's a total waste of time, fees and energy.
The remainder of the day, we pretty much hung out in our *hood* and walked around for hours, eventually getting ourselves lost. However, we were treated to a local orchestra of men in black-feathered green helmets putting on a concert at a nearby park, which we were definitely intrigued by. Once it began to get dark, we both kind of freaked out and realized we weren't sure of where we were. (Oh, there's a surprise.) By the time we found someone to tell us which way to go (ummm... 3 blocks sinistra (left) and one block destra (right) then va dritto, it was too late to make dinner plans so we stopped at the Supermercato and bought dried pasta and sauce and a loaf of crusty Italian bread, some Brie cheese (along with a rather large bottle of Limoncello, as we already had a lovely bottle of wine), which I made for dinner that night. That was never part of my vacation plan, but we needed sustenance.

In other news, I'm starting my first two tooth implants this week, with the last week having been a living Hell. Trust me when I tell you that you do not want to know the details about this. Tooth Pain Is The Devil's Torture Of Us.
To Be Continued.....
LOL...did you wait in that long line at the Mouth of Truth? BTW...those bank entrances were so weird, but I have decided that only an ATM card is necessary for travel. I got great exchange rates, and my bank refunds the fees for using another bank. Even Roman banks! Oh, I totally would have hung up, too. GAH
Yes, I would have totally hung up! Men!
Sorry about the teeth implants. Been there, done that with my little K3. Lots of chocolate milk and cream of wheat for you!
Oh Snoots!!!! If I had known you were taking travellers cheques I would've stopped you!!
Love love love that you hung up on Mr. Snoots!
My advice for travel: ATM card and GPS:) But getting lost in Italy just sounds like fun to me!
Mr. Snoots got what he deserved at that moment for sure- and as far as tooth pain goes, did you ever see the movie, The Marathon Man? It had a short but very intense torture scene involving a tooth.
I'll have to ask my Dad if he had any problems with his t. checks ~ he returned from Poland tonight.
I'm planning on surfing the G.America site to see if they have the Rick Springfield interview up ~ just can't not watch it!
Thanks for stopping by my friend! Yes, wouldn't it be fun to play golf together! My mojo ran out after those two rounds, today I was back over 100. Oh well, I'll keep hopin' and playin' and workin' on my game!
Hope your mouth feels better and the pain is put to rest!
First of all, you look MAR-VEL-OUS!
Second, if I ever leave the country again I promise not to bring travelers checks.
Third, love Limonecello and gelato--it's SO not ice cream.
Fourth, I have totally hung-up on Hubbie for the exact same reason.
Lastly, I'm really sorry you have to deal with implants. Hubbie has gone through EXTENSIVE implant work (long story), but it's not fun. I'm an anti-dentite and proud of it. Honestly, I'd rather give birth again.
Hang in there!
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