Evidently, she's finally beginning to age, because the moment she dropped the little fellow, he ran and she couldn't find him. The only reason I know this is because I found little minuscule poopie doopies across my beautiful ivory comforter as I climbed into bed last night. Needless to say, I did not get a good night's sleep. I kept envisioning him running across my face for entertainment.
This is a picture of another of her finds that Trouble brought into the house. It was coming out of the caning of my living room sofa. Do you realize how teensy a caning hole is?
At one point I did fall asleep only to be awakened by the sound of a plastic bag being handled by something very tiny. Yes. The mouse. I'd failed to remember tucking a package of Trail Mix under the bed for late-night snacking. But when I first woke up to that sound, I laid in bed stricken with fear for a few minutes before I realized it must be the freaking mouse.
Call me cruel or whatever you want, but I'm NOT spending another night with a mouse in my room or my bed! This has me sooooo freaked out, almost as much as when I thought I was sharing my bed with a spider. If I can't take care of this mouse tonight, then I'm sleeping on the den sofa until I see a dead mouse, or the remains thereof......
I'm glad I'm allergic to cats ;-)
but I hope your feline catches her prey.
I can't even sleep in my bedroom if I've seen one of those ginormous tree roaches. Thank God I haven't seen one lately. I sure hope Trouble doesn't go after that cheese or peanut butter.
If she doesn't get Mickey, take Trouble out of the room and put down a couple of sticky traps, then you and Mr. Snoots go to Motel 6 for a night. Good luck.
Oh my Lord. I would SO freak. Though it has happened to us.
Think about what Zack and Zanna bring in...live birds. Into the house. What a freakin' wreck that is.
That is so scary. I hope Trouble starts to earn her keep and not bring any of her "friends" home anymore. I once had a cat Midnight who shared her food with the mice. Final count - Midnight 3 mice, me 5 mice.
Well, I-m with you. Let those PET-A people complain. I'm NOT living with a mouse in the house. LOL
I've had a bad case of blog burn, but seem to be recovering. When I have some time, I want to go check out the posts from your trip. Thanks for noticing I disappeared. :)
I guess Trouble is getting too old to *mouse* what she brings indoors. The little wench. I finally removed her from the bedroom (with no positive results) and set 4 snap traps with cream cheese topped with a chocolate covered peanut. I'm a firm believer in a hearty *Last Meal* before death.
So, I went to sleep on the sofa in the den & when Mr. Snoots woke up, I woke up when he got on the computer. I went back to check the traps & Lo And Behold... There was the little fella, dead as a doornail. Mission Accomplished.
I'm so with you sister! When I go to my friend's cabin I find mice poop all over the bed and it's impossible for me to get a good nights sleep! I'm so glad you caught the little bugger. Good Riddance!
I would not be able to sleep, once I heard something in my closet and I left my room freaked!
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