I suppose I should actually try to find a real theme for my blog someday. Most popular blogs seem to have found their niche and their followers. More than half of the original blogs I followed in the beginning don't even exist any more. I guess those people just didn't enjoy spilling out the guts of their lives, to strangers. For me, it's just free therapy, which I obviously need.

Sooooo... As I try to figure out which blog slot I belong in, I promise to continue delivering my mindless drivel, for the few of you who can still stand it.
I thought I could write about crafts and crafting, but I'm just not that good. Many of my projects end up looking as if a small child made them. I rant too much to have a humor blog. Besides, I just can't always be funny. My cooking is completely amateur, which is probably why my cooking blog never quite got off the ground. I can't possibly be a photography blog because the majority of my pictures lack *an eye*. They suck, really. My children are grown, so I can't do a mommie blog. I simply don't care to write about aging ALL the time, so I couldn't be a blog on aging either. Therein lies my dilemma. Where, in the scheme of blog land, do I belong? The Emotionally Insecure Bloggers? Surely there must be a better place for me....
My theme is Me, I don't really have one either. I just can pigeon hole myself enough. I think you are fine just the way you are
I like your blog. You're niched, but I can't put my finger on it either. I love it when you write about your foxes, though. Happy blog anniversary!
Who needs to be labeled? I say if it suits you and gives YOU what you want, then who gives a hoot about what the others think! True friends/family know who you are and shouldn't want to gag you, so why should you feel otherwise. Bored readers will go elsewhere and who really needs their negativity? Personally, I would welcome dissenters just for the sake of arguing...;)Anyhoo...congrats on a great blog and keep it up! It makes me smile!
just talk about yourself and tell us the stories of your life. That's why I read.
Many blogs have large #'s of followers b/c they do give-aways or they are more of a business blog. I have a small group of follower-friends myself. But that's kinda like real life anyway.
I get the most comments when I post a sewing or decorating project. Trouble is I haven't done anything grand lately, ha!
Happy Blogoversary!!! And, we don't need no stinkin' themes! We're just wonderful the way we are! LOLOLOL
Happy Blogoversary! Your blog title says it all... You share your thoughts on life, the good, the bad, the animally, the adventure of it all and I love it! Keep it up, just the way you are.
Happy Blogversary Miss Liz! I am so impressed. I should've recognized your Yoda like wisdom long before now. Sorry about that. My apologies! I hope Mr. Snoots does something nice for you to celebrate.
Wait. Do I get a *blog identity* crisis every year at this time? If not, I think it's pretty close. Oy.
I go through the blog ID crisis too and I'm currently in one. I find my posts seem to go in bunches. I'm doing a lot of cookie stuff right now, as you know, but sometimes I venture over to fashion or shopping. A blog like yours and mine seem to be whatever floats our bloat on a particular day and I kind of like that variety and freedom, for myself at least. It just depends what you want the purpose of it to be and I say it's okay to either change our original focus or go with the status quo or try something new here and there. We're with ya Snooty! :) xoxo
To quote Pink: "You're f*@king perfect to me!"
Congratulations! March is mine. I had to start a new one because of "people". Now I can't get my old one import to new one, but not from lack of trying every friggin thing I can think of.
Mine is dribble plus. I can't seem to get my head around anything LOL
You keep it up and we'll keep coming back! My old one was "Gittin It Outta My Head". Now my head seems boring.
seems as there are many of us who don't have a "niche"... maybe that is our niche....?
blogs without a niche.... i like it!
i spend most of my time rambling on about stupid stuff i see, hear, or experience... and i try to make it sarcastic or something ha... i figure daily life should be entertaining
that being said... i do feel bad that i haven't told any stories lately... i used to write about my stories... oh well
I love reading your blog, as is. I think it is a humor blog, isn't it? I generally find something to smile about when reading your rants. Keep on keepin' on. ;)
Darlin, if someone told ya that ranting isnt funny, they were wrong! Happy Blogaversarry a few days late!
I think you are perfect!
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