So, I ventured back to Hancock Fabrics for the umpteenth time to look for suitable upholstery fabric, with no luck. Next, I drove across town to Hobby Lobby and BINGO! There it was. The. Fabric. It was the fabric I really wanted. No, it wasn't on sale like the first crop of fabric. This fabric was like $30.00 per yard. Yikes! The *go with* fabric was slightly lower but there was only 1-1/2 yards. I bought it anyway. I'll figure out a way to use it with this material for the window treatments in the kitchen. The first batch of material is up for grabs. If you want, you've got it. Just let me know. What a waste of time and money!
Anyhoo, after painfully removing all the staples from the first recover job, I started on my second recover job to the same bench. Will I ever learn? I'm not completely sure that I had a lesson to learn here other than *LOVE the fabric you go with*. If you're not that excited about the fabric then you're probably not going to be very thrilled about the final outcome. Seems simple enough, right? Apparently not.
Hubby offered to help but I'm all too familiar with his whole *it's just fine* method of imperfection. No thanks. I'm bad enough on my own. Really. And, since this Queen Anne bench is the first thing you see when walking through the front door, I needed it to be absolutely perfect... sans Snooty, of course (which means there are a few hidden minor imperfections I can live with).
I also plan to use the rest of the new fabric to recover the kitchen table chair seats along with window treatments for the windows and the door, for the first time in 15 years. I'd say this project is looooong past due, wouldn't you? Have you done any refurbishing lately?
I'd actually like to use this gold pillow rather than the red but black and white cat hair definitely trumps that decision. Think I'll go with the dark red pillow. It. Is. Spring.
My next project will be recovering the breakfast table chairs and the window treatments in the kitchen. I can hardly wait!
This is how it looked when I started the recover job. Ugh for ugly.
Wow! That bench look fantastic!!
Your bench re-do looks like quite the pro job. Congratulations on a job well done.
I spy a new business opportunity;)
Well worth the effort! It's gorgeous. Love, love, love the new fabric!
I have 6 dining room chairs in dire need of recovering. Perhaps I'll give it a go next winter. Too much to do outside right now.
Oh, and thanks for your very nice comment on Rubbish.
I'd really like to learn how to refinish old beat up pieces of furniture & make them beautiful, then turn them for a profit, but it's just a pipe dream at this point. Out here everyone thinks their old beat up furniture is antique & worth a fortune, LOL! It's not, but that doesn't stop folks from demanding high prices. So far, I can't find a piece I can afford to screw up....
That looks great!! I need to learn how to reupholster things, Im keeping my guy in business right now!
finding the right fabric can take time. I know. My combinations are not what's "in" right now so I have to search. I've just learned to keep looking and not settle.
I think your bench looks great!
I love it! The second fabric is so much prettier that the other one. I love reds!
Good job, Snoots! I Loooove makeovers! Hey, that "go with" fabric would make some nice throw pillows!
My hubby is like yours in that "good enough" would work for him. Not me! He gets really irritated with me when I'm on a project because I'm so slow.
Good luck on your next project!
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