Both AG and iMom picked me up at the airport when I arrived, which was just plain fun. They had already discussed that I'd probably bring my entire wardrobe (which I did, almost), so they were both giggling while we wrangled my suitcase into the trunk. Yes, I'm that predictable.

Anyway, Tammy was keeping me at her house, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I felt so comfortable and at home in her abode. I also adore her entire family and I got to hear Star Wars Son and his band, practice and it was amazing. Then on Sunday, we were able to coax Dancing Daughter to have brunch with us, which was a major treat, as she's a lovely young lady. Besides, she was fun to be with! I love

I honestly fell in love with Seattle from the moment I saw it from above, inside the airplane. It was supposed to have been the great West Coast Blog Fest but because (I think) Tammy had undergone emergency gall bladder surgery the week before, which would leave her in a certain amount of pain, everyone else canceled. When I tried to cancel, Tammy and Diane both said "No, we can handle one fest guest!". So, there I was in Seattle with two of my favorite ~ ever ~ bloggers. I really had no idea of what they had in store for me, but I soon found out, delighting in all the lovely things Seattle has to offer. I can't imagine living in such a wonderful climate all year around. It seems I've always lived somewhere with nothing but extreme weather. You know. Like extreme hot or extreme cold.

Furthermore, I hit the Weather Jackpot while I was there... It never rained even once and I was able to see Mount Ranier the day I arrived. Did you know that it's a *floating mountain*? Okay, not really, but I swear it looks as if it's floating all alone in the air. Its beauty is simply overwhelming. Too bad I didn't get a picture. and I have no clue as to why. I'm an idiot in some ways.

Seattle is someplace I could live, for sure, although I'm fairly confident that I never will, due to family. I'm so glad that I was able to entertain Diane and Tammy with my accent and my awe although I didn't think I had an accent - unless I decide to pour it on, but evidently I do. ;-)

I was able to score a fabulous and very colorful Pepper Ristra, some goodies for Mr. Snooty, some incredible dried pastas, a new (gorgeous) black top, and a new purse for me (which I totally did not need, but I was craving it). I also got to see mozzarella cheese being made at Quality Cheese, which was just really cool, and got to see the fish mongers yelling and throwing fish, which cracked me up. If you've never seen the fish mongers, it's really a hoot to watch.
I could have stayed forever at Pike Place Market but succumbed to Diane's and Tammy's urging me to leave. We had places to go and people to see!
Since this seems long enough for today, I'll call this Part One. I'll finish with Part Two in a few days.
To Be Continued.....
What a wonderful trip! I am looking forward to hearing more!!
And seriously, I never thought I had an accent unless I was really working at putting it on. That is until we started working on the road and apparently mine is pretty darn thick:)
We really had a great time didn't we?! Great photos, I still need to sort through all of mine and make a post.
You are so lucky! Seattle is one of my favorite cities ever. I am so sorry I missed this....
Lucky you! Love the pics. Sounds like you had a ton of fun. Washington and Oregon are 2 of the states I haven't been to, well with the exception of flying in to Seattle for a job interview back in the 80's, and flying out the same day. I didn't take the job because it was too far from my family. Perhaps that was a mistake.
It all sounds wonderful! I haven't been able to get away this summer, except for a weekend trip to CT to visit family. That was fun for me. But this makes me long for a trip to somewhere I haven't been, somewhere new and exciting!
So glad you decided to go after-all. I can live vicariously thru you ;-)
Isn't it a beautiful city? I get out there about once a year since my son lives there. Glad you had good weather and saw "the mountain"
Your trip sounds fabulous! I absolutley love Seattle. It's one of my favorite places on earth. We were there in the height of the cherry season. Cherries were less than a buck a lb. We had a cherry orgy.
And of course the weather was to die for. It was hard to come home.
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