People With BAD Phone Etiquette: Have you ever dialed the wrong number by accident only to have some Bozo on the other end try to bite your head off? Geeze, buddy. It was an accident for crying out loud. I, on the other hand, prefer to politely tell them what number they have just mistakenly called. I don't want them calling again. But alas, they often do, at which point I just speak to them as if they are morons (unless it's an elderly person). Very. Slowly. That usually does the trick. Don't even get me started on cell phone users who think that everyone around them wants to hear their boring conversation.
Road Hogs: I'm also amused by people who work like hell to pass you on a busy residential street and go from Mach 1 to Mach 5, only to wind up next to you at the stop light. I used to

Parking Hogs: I think this is probably self explanatory. Just think of Kathy Bates' character in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. She waits patiently for a car to back out of a spot. Just as she's ready to pull into said spot, two young women pull into the same spot from the wrong direction. It also makes me crazy to see someone taking up two whole parking spaces in a crowded parking lot. It is either totally thoughtless or intentional. Either way, it makes these idiots quite rude.
Grocery Store Zombies: You know the ones I'm talking about. The people who ever so cluelessly wander the grocery aisles with no idea that they are taking up the entire aisle with their shopping cart. They always seem completely oblivious to this fact and when you try to excuse yourself to get by their dumb asses, they look as if you just hawked a loogie on them. Maybe you should, in order to see a true reaction from these dullards. These are often the same people who don't pull out their large stack of coupons until after you've already emptied the contents of your cart onto the moving belt. You know, so that you could see them & quickly move on to another checkout.
Rude Sales Clerks: Really, this is one of the most annoying of all the rude personality types. They are getting paid to assist shoppers, aren't they? I love to watch their eyes grow in size when they realize you are going to make a huge purchase of clothing & shoes. Then, when they have decided you are worthy of their attention, my favorite thing to do is say "You know what, I don't really want any of this after all." Then, walk out of the store as you turn to see them staring after you, all agape. No commission. No sales. Put everything back where it came from. That's what you get for acting like a snotty bitch that is pissed off about having to work for a living.

The Disgruntled Postal Worker: It seems that every time I go to the post office there is this one little man who makes life hell for anyone & everyone. He's certainly not picky about who he's rude to, because he's equally as rude to all. I always try my best to make sure I'm in one of the other lines. Not his. He yelled at me one day because I had

Men Who Don't Hold Doors Open for Women: I find these men to be the biggest buffo

So... Can you add to this list? Are there rude happenings in your world? Tell me about it!
You have pretty well covered 'em all ... tho one you dont list is one that maybe is unique to NYC or perhaps to cities in general. Its the nanny or nannies walking together - side by side - with double wide strollers so that they block the entire sidewalk .. if you want to get past you must walk out into the street or risk being given the evil eye by one or all of these women who are STREET HOGS
Oh and then there are the 2 or 3 couples who run into eachother and then stand in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk to catch up .. making it impossible to get around them easily .. because the rest of the city is walking against traffic .. clearly no one knows you walk to the right...
Thanks I needed that bitchfest
Can we add the parents who think their little precious is too important to ride the bus, so they clog the streets for blocks in front of EVERY school morning and afternoon?
Great list - but what I really loved was your life lesson "The world is full of sheep & idiots & some really great people. You will never be able to tell the difference from merely looking at them." I'm gonna work that mojo over on my kids pretty soon. Thanks!
You have done a pretty good job hitting all the highs or lows as you might say. I personally don't like the people that give pharmacists a hard time for their Rx taking longer to fill than 30 seconds. They are actually doing a job people!
Great list; I think all these buttheads live in my neighborhood. So does the guy who talks on his cell phone in the restaurant. All. Through. Dinner.
These are good. I canNOT stand the people who walk through parking lots in the middle of the aisle without a clue that CARS are trying to pass through. Hello? Pick a side and stick to it!
Heh. I think you hit all my pet peeves.
I'm all for equal-opportunity door-holding, though — women who let the door fall shut in front of my face are just as big jerks as men. Or, ooh, my favorite, people walking ahead of you who SPEED UP so they won't have to hold the door for you. This is especially fun when you are going to the Y, say, and you are carrying a toddler in one arm and your exercise bag in the other.
Which brings me to my additional rude people: the rude gym rats, including but not limited to: the inappropriate grunters, the ones who hog equipment (especially the ones who sit on the recumbent bikes to watch TV and don't actually exercise), and the ones who sweat all over the equipment and don't wipe up.
I am completely DITTO on all of your additions. Made me laugh hard, too. OMG! This means that rude hogs are trying to take over the earth. Don't let this happen people! Fight this with everything you've got. We can't let them win, can we?
Let's all work together to stamp out rudeness and stupidity, lol. As if that could ever be accomplished.
I think you covered all mine.
Road Hogs are idiots... Especially on residential streets. Rudeness where I live is out of Control. I ive in LA and people are very rude. One thing I HATE? When people talk on their phone at restaurants! Puke, gag...
I was decending into the depths of Hell-Mart the other day and I kid you not, there was a truck parked across the tops of 6 spots! I parked as closed to his door as I could!!
A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally dialed a wrong number that happened to be someone's cell phone. As soon as I heard the message, I realized I had dialed a wrong number, so I just hung up. At about three in the morning the person called me back and told me that he would kill me if I ever called his number again. I guess he has a plan with very few minutes. Nonetheless, I thought he was rude.
I had a run in with a pissed off telephone repair man today. I really wanted to tell him to go home and come back when his attitude was better! But I didn't because I really wanted my phone back :)
My first visit because I was looking for Fred & Bessie, now realizing it may take awhile for them to arrive :)
Totally agree with all! May I add...extremely loud mufflers to the mix? Geez! And one of my whores! Oh, and gum-cracking. I'm done :)
blue tooth people, annoy the hell out of me.
anybody who waits in line for anything then whines to the cashier about whatever. get your stuff, pay for it and go! it's not hard, people.
i seem to be one of the only people with this problem... cranky old ladies at the grocery store who have no depth perception. they stand in line waiting to be checked out then they run over your heels with the grocery cart just to get a little closer.
anywhere wherethey bag goods for you. i don't need three seperate plastic bags for three seperate items! please place it in one bag.... together. don't wrap each seperate item and then place it in one bag. i don't want the bags or the hangers or...
super long reciepts! seriously, you buy one thing at best buy and you get a two foot reciept!
I thought we just had those folks here on the east must be really contagious.
This might upset some of the people reading but my biggest gripe is going out to eat at a nice restaurant (wanting a nice quiet night) and get stuck next to a family with very young kids. Now if well behaved, no problem. But the crying, whining, food throwing and all really pisses me off. All while the parents sit there doing absolutely nothing! I think restaurants need a children's section and non children's section, just like smoking.
Rude neighbors!!! Our neighbors have a hit list ~ so far they've written ANONYMOUS letters to our local paper about another neighbor who feeds the deer ~ this is a "dangerous habit because those deer could jump through our living room window and attack us" (quote from letter) They sent an anonymous note to us about cleaning up our yard through the Post Office ~ DURING the spring monsoon ~ they make a point of being snobby, rude and condescending on a daily basis! We've been neighbors for thirty plus years. BLARG.
Muahahaha! Your best blog yet!
The driving hogs are the worst for me. People who pull in front of me (when I'm the last in a line of traffic and they could have waited two seconds), only to slow down and turn. GRRR!!!! It's the closest I get to cussing out loud.
The Grocery Store Zombies .... I can't tell you how many times I've said that it's like they've never seen food on shelves before. And now that every grocery store in town seems to have a Starbucks in them - people just slowly stroll the aisles, drinking their coffee, talking on their bluetooth (so that you answer them because you're sure they are talking to you and not really to the can of food they are gazing at.)
I can't STAND the grocery store anymore.
I'm not a fan of people cutting me off in traffic... But I hate trail hogs. On bikes, they come at you two abreast and practically run you off the trail because one can't drop back to make room. On hiking trails, the group of five that stops in the middle of the dang trail for a granola break and leaves everyone to trip over their packs and poles...
Even worse... people with unleashed dogs on mandatory leash hiking trails. And they blow it off by yelling out "Oh, he's friendly" Hey! Your dog's terrorizing my Chihuahua. Grow a brain.
It always blows me away how insanely some people drive - dashing off to work or some other appointment in a mad frenzy with nary a thought to how much later they might be if they're dead...
Slow down folks! Leave the house a few minutes earlier and avoid killing others and/or yourself! Sheesh!
Nope, nothing to add, except that shopping carts over here are called trolleys-- we have trolley rage in the shops!
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