Every year during the summer I spend several weeks feverishly working to make enough hot sauce to give to everyone for Christmas. This year, ever since the ecoli scare, we have not had access to the three main ingredients; cilantro, tomatoes and jalapenos, all at once. Normally, I would be growing them all in my garden but the triple digits we suffered in May pretty much destroyed what I'd planted. I didn't replant because I thought I would just buy them at the market this year. Then, the big ecoli mystery surfaced and I've not been able to find all three together at the same time. Not. Once. All. Summer. It seems like the CDC have been claiming one ingredient or the other was the suspect. I don't think they have ever figured it out, so all we have is tomatoes still on the vine, sold in stores. No jalapenos. No Cilantro. Those three ingredients are staples here in Texas, so this whole ecoli scare has really hurt a lot of businesses and people. All this because the CDC tested like a million gazillion jalapenos and found one infected with the ecoli. But hey, I wouldn't have wanted to be the one that eats that one pepper.
Normally, I would be going to Austin during the last week of August to enter my hot sauce in the Austin Chronicle sponsored Hot Sauce Festival and competition. That won't be happening now. Traditionally, I have entered in both The Green and The Red categories.
Since I don't want to be bogged down with baking something during the holidays, I've decided to make peach jam this year. I was actually hit with the idea upon entering our local HEB, where the smell of fresh peaches envelops you upon entering the produce side of the store. Once I loaded my groceries into the car, it was a matter of mere blocks before I had to pull over on the side of the street so I could go to the back
I'm not a really big fan of jam of any kind, but there are so many other ways to use this delicious jammy nectar. When slightly heated in the microwave, it can be poured over vanilla ice cream.
I still need to get the third and fourth cases finished, which is why I've done little more than post on my blog as of late. When in the throes of peach jam making, I just don't have much time for anything else. You see, first I must par-boil an additional 16 pounds of fresh
Each package of pectin makes approximately 3 quart jars of the jam and takes around 45
Canning anything is time consuming but well worth the effort. It seems that in today's disposable world, canning is quickly becoming a lost art. I am the only
So, dear bloggy friends, I've not been making comments nearly as often because I'm up to my
Oh and I will get the entire peach jam making process and recipe posted on my cooking blog: Snooty Primadona's Guide To Cooking Like A Diva. However, that might take a few days for me to get posted, since things are a bit chaotic around here at the moment. I keep having to race back to the grocery store (which I detest) to get one thing and then another. No matter how all scientific I get, it still isn't an exact science. Did I mention I also flunked cooking in Home Economics class in high school? LOL! Yes, I did. Twice. Right alongside Sewing Class. The oddity of it all is that I am both an accomplished cook as well as a decent seamstress.
Oh yum!
I made a C in Home Ec. The teacher taught me to do everything nearly the opposite of the way my mom taught me - very frustrating. I just couldn't bring myself to change what worked for me. Still works.
Looks like peach jam definitely works for you. :)
Um, I hope I'm on your Christmas list;)
I aced home ec after the first D. My 7th grade home ec teacher didn't like the way my dad taught me to cook and actually sent a note home with me telling him so. Anal much?
I ached to do raspberry jam this year, but didn't have the time. I hadn't thought of making peach jam... (It looks awesome!)
Last year I made hot sauce, chow-chow, peach jam and jalapeno jelly. The jalapeno jelly is perfect for putting on top of a small wheel of Brie, en croute, then bake.It's heavenly.
I actually thought I might make prickly pear cactus jelly this year but have yet to go get any.
Daily I become more in awe of your talents :o)
i want to be your friend for christmas.
and i never took home ec in high school. there was no way in heck that someone was going to tell me how to cook.
I'm not one for jams either. However they make great salad dressings when melted !!
Hurry Back !!!
YeA!!!! I really need to learn how to do this. PLEASE get your recipe up ASAP! Do you do a lot of canning?
Ummm, can be be christmas friends? He-he...I love jams and sorry about the jacked up ecoli! Who would have thought.
Please hurry and send me some!!!!!!! This blog entry made my mouth water, my toast is so lonely without it's peach jam :(
Yum yum yum yum yum!
Do you want my address so you can send me some of that yum?
Because of reading this post, I'm heading off to the orchard the minute I'm off work! I love fresh peaches! So, those extra calories will be all your fault. I hope you feel just a little bit guilty. Looking forward to the recipe..mmmmm! BJ
LOL...Home EC grades really don't mean much seeing how I got A's and I try to cook as little as possible and cannot sew anything more than a button. And that button better not be too tricky.
I understand completely with being overwhelmed, I have been loaded down with homework and still trying to catch up with everyone.
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