So, our Galveston friends called this evening to say that they watched this same video and were
able to see both of their houses are still standing. But, you can't even see where the paved streets used to be in any of the private subdivisions, and many houses (mostly older ones) are simply no longer there. They lost an amazing amount of beach from one end of the island to the other. The debris everywhere is incredible, as if you're looking at a miniature set of Galveston. And, who knows what will be left by the time residents are allowed back in to Galveston?
The highway could take months and months to repair and the only other way back to Galveston is to continue west for 55 miles take the first right, go another 30 miles, take another right and go back east for another 55 miles to reach I-45. I haven't heard if that stretch of road survived or not. Sounds like it's going to be a major pain at any rate.
Half of the restaurants on Seawall Blvd. are either completely annihilated or just no longer there. This is really hard for me to wrap my brain around, especially since we were just there in July. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if they hadn't hustled everyone out of Dodge ahead of time. The seawall did exactly what it was designed and built to do, but the wall only goes so far and it doesn't extend to West Galveston. This is why the private beach houses were hit so hard. The ocean is a powerful force, especially when paired up with Mother Nature.
As far as I could tell, our favorite Biker Bar "Woody's" is gone which caused me a moment of
reflection. Of course, they will be back. Eventually. I hope.
We told our friends that if and when the time comes to begin cleanup, we will head down there with our shirt sleeves rolled up and do what needs to get done. I'm not even talking about repair work. I'm merely talking about helping them sift through their things at both houses so repair work can begin. Who knows when we'll be going down there to help? Then, we figured we can volunteer ourselves to neighbors. There is so much that is going to have to be done, it just seems overwhelming, but we figured the more people there are to help, the faster everyone can get their dreams back up and running again.
I also want to give a BIG shout out to all of the brave Galveston rescuers and those who stood vigil through the storm. I would have never been able to do that. And, thank you to everyone for all your prayers. Galveston may be down for a time, but its going to be back. Eventually.
Oh Snooty. I thought of you this weekend as the damage was broadcast. I am glad your friends are ok but all the places you liked to sad.
Amen. I am glad your friends' houses seem to be OK, but what a disaster. Duh, I know, but it is overwhelming to look at those images of piles of debris and holes where buildings used to be. Thinking about everyone down there today.
I was thinking of you this morning and rushed here as soon as I had a moment to get an update. Glad your friends seem to have faired well...
I have been thinking of you and your friends all weekend. I am so happy to hear they are fine. However the devastation from Ike is sad to behold and the feelings for those who have lost so much is horrible. My thoughts and prayers for your friends and everyone.
So sad, All of it, but Woody's was one of my favorite places to go. So that made me so sad when I heard about it. Glad your friends are OK, at least physically
I've been thinking about your friends, as well. Glad they are ok, and I hope their houses aren't damaged too badly.
Now I'm going to hit POST and see if this jumps on your blog 3 times.
What the heck?
When we still lived in Dallas (sob)we spent a lot of time in Galveston. We've been watching the destruction also. I hope your friends don't find too much damage. Ike made its way through Illinois yesterday and he still had enough power to blow several limbs out of my trees. He was a bad one. BJ
I'm so glad your friends are alright
Woodys is gone??
That sucks!!
Well it's good to hear the homes are still standing that's amazing, it was such a pounding. I'm sure your friends will love your help.
I am so glad your friends are ok. You are a true friend to go and help them out like that.
I'm glad your friends houses are still standing. That must be so hard to think of rebuilding and all the hard work ahead. Hopefully the roads are better than you think.
Thanks for the more personal update than what they show on the news!
Okay people, here's the deal. The State of Texas does not allow those people who had homes right on the ocean, to rebuild, if they are lost. Also, all of the houses standing in water on the beach will be destroyed by the state and you are shit outta luck. No house, no land. Of course you could spend a fortune moving the house, but where would you move it?
Every time a hurricane hits the Texas coastline, it takes beach away. The state refuses to bring in sand to replace what's missing, so you are still shit outta luck. Insurance does not cover ANY of the beach houses removed by the state for being too close to the water. Period. You simply lose whatever you have put into it, to my understanding. Does that suck or what?
So, the upshot of the deal is that you takes your chances when buying beachfront property.
If I had my choice... give me a nice lakefront property. Uh-Huh...
I can't help but wonder how much of the Texas Coast has receded in my lifetime....
Wow - could you imagine having your home barely survive a hurricane only to be knocked down by the state? Ouch! I think I'll just continue to rent other people's beach houses, thankyouverymuch.
Nice of you to volunteer to help.
These are our very closest friends in the world. There is no way we could let them face that nightmare alone.
Now, they still don't know if they are going to keep both their houses or just one, or what. To me, this is just insane and I would surely go stark raving mad before the final decision arrived. The jury is still out on this one. You have to be so many inches from the water, yada, yada, yada.
The couple's hubby might get to fly in this weekend and at least try to assess everything. There were a couple of windows they were worried about, so he's meeting up with his son-in-law who has already bought plywood, etc. for the work that needs to be done.
Ultimately, it could be weeks and even months before they know the final outcome. And their two houses are still standing. Can you just imagine the overall damage? It definitely fogs my brain.
I can't believe the lack of news coverage here in the northeast. Sad to think not enough folks died to warrant coverage. Terrible! Sending prayers Texas' way.
Speak of the devil - at this very moment, there's a lengthy story on our local news right now. About "The Victorian Inn." And all the looters! Awful!
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