It appears our Galveston friends have chosen the perfect time to come back home. Ike has been gathering strength and already left some damage in his path. I was looking at the Weather
Channel this morning and the footage they showed of the Sea Wall was very scary. They also showed beach houses with the ground floor already flooding. That means our friends' new house (ground floor) is most likely flooded. Luckily, the ground floor is just the lower patio, garage, and elevator. No one at the beach actually has living quarters on the ground floor. Everything is on stilts.
They still own the first house as well, but I doubt that it has flooded yet either, because it's one block
farther away from the beach & somewhat higher. However, they are predicting that Ike will reach Category 3 status by the time it makes landfall. At this point, no one really knows what the outcome will be. Mandatory evacuations have been issued for Galveston, so they are apparently expecting the worst.

This just breaks my heart. Our friends have worked so hard on their new home and it is so
beautiful. Of course they have insurance, but that cannot begin to pay for all the love and time they have put into this place. Still, they knew the risks of buying beachfront property and they are good with it. They must have some great insurance.
I'm also thinking about our Louisiana friends, as they live in Mandeville.
I hear ya, Snooty. My mom lives a bit farther south and for a time their area was included in the possible path. Luckily for her, she's no longer expecting a direct hit, but my heart aches for those, like your friends, who are now facing the worst. It is such a heavy, harsh price to pay for that beautiful ocean view. Good luck to your friends.
Yeah, things look like they are going to get real ugly for the Texas coast! I will be thinking of your friends and their many neighbors along the coast.
I was just thinking of your friends today as I checked I am glad they are going to be safe. :)
You know I don't even know these people and they were the first I thought of when hearing and seeing Galveston. We love that city, it has such good memories for us as a family since we have gone on many cruises that have left out of there. I am so sorry about their home.
I woke up this morning thinking of you and your friends. Ike looks nasty, I'm prying and hoping for the best. Much love to you snooty
I'm so sorry for your friends. My mom lost everything in Katrina.
My husband said to me today, "Well, people chose to live where they are in danger of a hurricane." I lit into him. There's risk everywhere you live. Choosing to live in a very safe place is boring. What's life without risk?
I Hurt for all of your friends. It's been a rough few years for the Gulf.
It is so scary. I am thinking of everyone along this path. Scary surge. Did you ever read the book "Isaac's Storm" about the hurricane that hit Galveston in 1900. A fantastic read on every level. Take care everybody.
You got it, girl.
Are they evacuating?
Galveston & lower parts of Houston have been given mandatory evacuation orders, although many are probably staying for lack of another place to go.
Ike is now 110 miles out to sea from Galveston and should make landfall tonight (in about 12 hours) since it's moving so slowly. I don't love any place enough to sit out a hurricane. It's just plain NUTS for anyone to stay.
Then, there is some huge oil tanker (with a full load of petroleum) sinking off the coast with 22 souls on board and they can't rescue them except by helicopter. So, I don't know if that's going to happen or not. Wait. I just heard the rescue was aborted for fear of costing the lives of the rescuers as well.
What a big nightmare....
I've been thinking about all my Texas friends. Your friends sure have a beautiful view. Hopefully their house will survive without too much damage. How about an update on the tanker if you hear more? Sounds terrible. BJ
I read about the tanker, as well. I've been praying for them.
Praying for everyone in the path as well as everyone who volunteers.
Sending many prayers and blessing out to our Texas friends
Today, from the looks of it, our friends houses are undoubtedly damaged, and I'm just praying that the houses are still there.
Apparently, the eastern end of Galveston Island was hit the worst and our friends are on the west end, toward Jamaica Beach.
Time will tell...
I hope their house is ok! Please keep us updated!
Hoping they'll be able to pull it back together and hope it wasn't damaged too bad. I've been glued to the TV like a hurricane-junkie. Sad.
Do let us know how your friends fared. I'll be praying for them.
Oh please keep us posted. I am so sorry!
Have you heard anymore from them?
That just sucks :(
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