This morning was so beautiful that I decided to have my morning coffee on the patio. For that decision I was awarded with visitations from a number of very colorful hummingbirds. The days have been cooler, as have the nights, hinting of Fall's arrival. As much as I
hate saying goodbye to summer, this cool breeze is certainly welcome.

I finally went back into the house to get my camera, but I didn't get very good shots, as they were rather shadowed from where I sat on the back stoop. However, if you click on the pictures you can see them a little better. 

A couple of times they came right up to me, as if they were inspecting me to see if I was worthy of their presence. Apparently, they decided they liked me and my hummingbird juice. They weren't even bothered by the attendance of my cat Trouble.

She does look somewhat older, if it's even possible to tell that in a wild animal. She doesn't seem to move as quickly as she used to and although she is a Red Fox, she appears to have a great deal more grey than she used to. Being past mid life myself, I recognize the symptoms. Sadly enough.
I guess she'll be hunkering down for the winter in her den (bunker, really) before too long, then we probably won't see again until February or so.

I snapped a couple of pictures of her when she jumped up to the top of our guest house in back. The pictures aren't very clear because I was on the back stoop when I took them, but you can
still see her pretty well, I think. The guest house is probably like 150 feet away, so it was really too hard to get a clear shot at that distance. Well, that and also the fact that I've never been a very good photographer.
I was wondering about Miss Felicia. The foxes around here are gearing up for winter too. I think that red foxes fur changes color with the seasons b/c of breeding with gray foxes and the addition of more layers for the winter.
I love that Felicia! What a menagerie you have there!
It's like National Geographic over there! Holy Cow, I mean fox.
Felicia really is a beauty. I was wondering too.
She's gorgeous. And of course she trusts you! Animals sense that kind of stuff.
(And she knows how you hit that golf club.)
Snoots...those hummingbirds are fast mother fo's aren't they? I see them, go to get the freaking camera...and they are gone...the bastids.
I know! I had the hardest time trying to photograph those damn hummingbirds. Makes me have a great deal of respect for the guys who do capture the incredible shots. Did I mention I am still trying to get to know my damn camera? It's making me crazy.
I've spent hours trying to get a good hummingbird shot. I think you've done well with yours. Mine suck! I got one fairly good shot, but that little guy's wings were a blur. Felicia has beautiful coloring. Have a good weekend. BJ
Loving the pictures. I have spent two weeks around here (off and on) trying to capture our hummingbirds on the camera as well. It's so hard to do. Felicia is such a pretty animal.
I was wondering about Felicia a couple weeks ago. Great pics of her and the hummingbirds mine are always a blur
What I couldn't believe was that Felicia felt comfortable enough to go to sleep while I was sitting out there.
Wow, it's like National Geographic!
Wildlife - wonderful how you find it where it really shouldn't be. Neat, Snooty!
Thats so cool to have a stray fox!!! And all I get are stray cats!!!
I love your fox pictures!
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