Thanks to a completely
*Anonymous* commenter, I am, as of today, instigating *Maturt Mondays*. Now, *Maturt Mondays* can show how maturt you are, or can show how immaturt you are. The idea is to have fun with it. Yes, it will make your spellchecker go crazy, as it does mine, but just try to deal with it, okay? This is rather a Tribute To Morons. What's not to love about that? Aren't we all either morons or fans of morons at one time or another? Don't you dare say no, because I won't buy into that.
Snooty Knows...Okay, I'll go first. Because it is one of my truly favorite *immaturt* moments (likker induced), I'd like to embarrass myself, yet again, and re-post my Desert Duffers Golf Tournament - San Saba escapade that gave me the worst reputation of my golfing crowd, that one can possibly imagine. Hey, it's better to be remembered for something, right? Here it is:
Golfing with an audience--a jeering, drunken audience--always brings out the maturt in me, too.
I just wanted to stop by and say hi to the maturt woman. I have been called a lot of things...but maturt was never one of them! I am jealous of your new status.
I have never golfed, but I don't think I would have acted any more maturt in those circumstances!
I seem to grow more maturt over the years. I guess maturtity comes with age. Just ask my boss how maturt I was over a week ago when I had a hissy fit at work and my maturt ass went home for the day.
I seem to grow more maturt over the years. I guess maturtity comes with age. Just ask my boss how maturt I was over a week ago when I had a hissy fit at work and my maturt ass went home for the day.
I agree with everything Mamahut said. Including the fact that I've been called everything in the book except maturt! Sometimes even called the same thing twice! Or 347856 times!
I am so immaturt it isn't even funny. Okay, well, it is actually.
Here's to Maturt Mondays!!
Who Hoot! It's aboot tim sum won kam up wit sumpin I kood do 2.
I love that you're not bitter at all when you manage to find a troll.
Looking forward to these mondays!
Trolls, schmolls! Let them eat cake!
Snooty, you're the most maturt woman I know. *snort* So glad you're playing with the troll.
Maturt Monday sounds like it should be an ongoing thing. Like each Monday you tell of your most Maturt Moment of the past week. I loved your Maturt actions on the 18th hole. I think throwing the golf club made your Maturt point! If I felt better I'd write a Maturt post...I'm sure I have plenty of experiences to draw from. I love saying this new word...Maturt...Maturt...Maturt. Sort of sounds like a bad word, yet it isn't so you can say it as much as you want. Maturt...Maturt...Maturt! Maturt...It won't be long until Webster picks it up! I hope that Immaturt (did I spell that right?) anonymous person realizes how much enjoyment she's given me!
It does sound more like a dirty word, the more I say it. Heehee. Maturt! Maturt! It also sounds like My Turd, only with a Texas accent!
I wanna pway! I is maturt, I is!!
Ummm, I jump up and down in full tantrum mode when things are not going my's pathetic.
Love Maturt Mondays! Talk about making lemonade out of lemons--should we throw in vodka? Stupid question.
Your golf story is great!LOL For some reason I do want to compete in tournaments, but I continue to get crazy nervous. I probably would have bust into tears on that 18th hole. Good for you for finishing. Who cares how many f-bombs you dropped. You were justified.
Whenever I'm at the range, I try to think that everyone there is watching me. I do this to try and "simulate" high pressure situations. How maturt is that?
Heather, I am exactly the same way. I get so nervous during tournament play that I basically shoot myself in the foot. The weird thing is that when I play in the Club scrambles (where I'm the only woman on the team), I seem to play amazingly well. Go figure. I guess because there is no pressure.
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