Trust me when I say that I could scare some serious burglar butt with this *mother of all pellet handguns*. Feast your eyes on this baby! Hubby uses it to kill the hairy little rats (that would be squirrels to you animal rights activists who don't own anything outdoors) on weekends, for destroying my plants and linens on my patio.
You say that doesn't scare you? Okay. Try this serious electric staple gun. It undoubtedly packs a punch and I could definitely hurt
your ass with this, as well as every other part of your body. I also have a good eye when it comes to hitting my target. Sooo… Bring It On!
I'm Bad. I'm Bad.
On a more serious note, let me just say that I bought several (okay about 100 pkgs.) of facial masks today, in fear of the approaching *swine flu*. More than 60 people have already died from it in Mexico. We're about a five-hour drive from Mexico. San Antonio has reported cases, as have Phoenix and the California Baja. People, if this thing spreads it could be as devastating as The Plague. If you think this whole issue is a joke then you are delusional. It is real, it is scary, and it is deadly. It is also knocking at your door. Mine first.
I suppose that it wasn't enough that the drug cartel in Mexico is killing people all over their land, trying to control everything that was once good there. Now, there is the scary Swine Flu to strike fear in the hearts of everyone. Life is getting pretty frightening these days. The nightly news has gotten so depressing that I seldom want to even watch it.
Did anyone ever see the movie 'Outbreak' starring Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey and Renee Russo? We're many years down the road from that now. Be prepared my friends. It's nature's way of thinning out the population, much the same way as when animals get diseases.
I'm thinking today that my flat feet, high golf scores and other such petty worries are not of much significance right now. How about you? I guess I'm done with my *Glass Half Empty* post for the day.

I'm Bad. I'm Bad.
On a more serious note, let me just say that I bought several (okay about 100 pkgs.) of facial masks today, in fear of the approaching *swine flu*. More than 60 people have already died from it in Mexico. We're about a five-hour drive from Mexico. San Antonio has reported cases, as have Phoenix and the California Baja. People, if this thing spreads it could be as devastating as The Plague. If you think this whole issue is a joke then you are delusional. It is real, it is scary, and it is deadly. It is also knocking at your door. Mine first.
I suppose that it wasn't enough that the drug cartel in Mexico is killing people all over their land, trying to control everything that was once good there. Now, there is the scary Swine Flu to strike fear in the hearts of everyone. Life is getting pretty frightening these days. The nightly news has gotten so depressing that I seldom want to even watch it.
Did anyone ever see the movie 'Outbreak' starring Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey and Renee Russo? We're many years down the road from that now. Be prepared my friends. It's nature's way of thinning out the population, much the same way as when animals get diseases.
I'm thinking today that my flat feet, high golf scores and other such petty worries are not of much significance right now. How about you? I guess I'm done with my *Glass Half Empty* post for the day.
Be Prepared…
There is nothing better than a Texas woman who is fully loaded.
I won't mess with ya!
If you can make really need to come to Blogger Blast in July in the good ol' Virginie. I really want you to be there...and there's Kingsmill Golf and Country Club...Curtis Strange's Home Course...former home of a PGA tournament and current home of the LPGA...
please, please, please?
No kidding? I'm invited & there is an awesome golf course? Mr. Snoots may have to suck it up on this one and let me go, lol. I wonder if I could drive? There's nothing I like better than a good scenic drive. I'll have to go calculate.
Look at your bad ass self and that awesome pellet gun (I need one of those! I HATE squirrels!)
As for that flu - nothing to fool around with and it never hurts to be prepared!, but remember this: it does respond to the Tamaflu/Ruelenza (sp?) vaccines! I'm thinking it's time for another flu shot!
T: I know! Hubby is going to start hoarding the vaccine I think...
Okay, that looks like a serious machine gun! OMG, if somebody pointed that at me I'd beg for my life. I guess you'll be safe with that.
Damn, that IS one scary looking pellet gun! But I say aim for the eyes or the balls if you have to use it!!
The swine flu threat IS very scary indeed. Kinda makes you want to close your blinds and never leave the house!
I just read about this flu yesterday, indeed it is very scary!
That is one serious looking pellet gun. I would definitely mistake it for a real gun.
We only own air soft and paintball guns, but I really like the idea of a high powered staple gun as home protection. Thank you! I can do that.
Just heard a snippet this morning about the swine flu. Stay safe there in Texas. Off to Google it ...
I have to admit that gun looks much scarier than I imagined it to look. Yeah I say it would do the trick.
I never watch the news myself as it's depressing. I had not heard anything about the swine flu because of that. Now I'm off to read about it.
Do you think I could knock out someone with a golf club? Maybe, but your pellet gun is much more Annie Oakley. I like that!
Swine flu scares the crap out of me. My mom is in emergency management. Sometimes she makes me feel better about the world, other times worse. She can't help it. Even when things terrify her, they fascinate her at the same time. NOT me, I'm happy in my golfing bubble with no news!
Our local news just reported 2 cases of swine flu here in Kansas. Both of the people has been in Mexico a week ago.
Your pellet gun is scary looking. I've got a 38 that's pretty convincing.
Yeah, you SHOULD come to the VA blog-fest. It's looking to be more fun every day!
See you there!
GIRL! Where can I get one of those pellet guns?? Forget squirrels, how about urbanized white tail deer? I swear, when Tall Slow Talkin' Texas has to wade through a herd of 13 deer in his front yard to get out to the deer lease, where he sits for hours w/o seeing nary a deer, there is something wrong with that picture. The dern things eat even so called deer resistant plants. They are a plague and I sure would like a way to get their attention without really hurting them. Paintballs could be fun too though now that I think about it. Technicolor deer, sweet!
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