I hope you're not getting as bored as I am by all of this. But if you are, you're in luck. This will be the last post about Vegas. I won't subject anyone to reading what I find difficult to even write.
So, my surprise Mother's Day gift arrived on Saturday. It was my daughter! She drove over from L.A. with her friend Caroline and they were going to be staying with friends at Planet Hollywood. They ended up coming over to our hotel in their swimsuits so they could do the slide through the *Shark Tank*. They loved it but said you're going too fast to see any sharks. I think that would be a good thing.
After the girls used our room to get cleaned up, we took them to dinner at Red Sushi (inside the Golden Nugget). It turned out to be much better than we thought it would.
Everyone ordered what they wanted and it really was amazing sushi (although I only had a couple of bites of the sushi).
We all started out with their Miso soup, which was really delicious, along with Hot or Cold Sake.
Mr. Snooty ordered the Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab, which not only looked fabulous, but it tasted even better.
I ordered the Grilled New York Steak With Wasabi Cream Sauce, which was to die for and came served with Tempura Vegetables.
Frankly, I couldn't possibly tell you what the girls ordered. Your guess would be as good as mine,
I was trying to get Mr. Snoots to quit hanging his arm around me in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE,
Check out my ever-expanding waistline along with my ever-expanding double chin. I think I must be out of control and just didn't realize it until I saw recent pictures of myself. How could this have happened? I'm blaming the blogging, right here and now. Before I started a blog, I had been the same size and weight for the last 10 years. I'm just saying…
Snooty Daughter came back the next day at Noon to have lunch with us at The Mother's Day Buffet in the hotel. It was nice but nothing to rave about. Then I had to say goodbye to our daughter again, which I always hate to do.
Yes friends, the little blonde chubby woman has returned and I don't like her in the least! I want the svelte little blonde woman back…. Right now! But what did I do after this? I ate more.
Sunday night we ate dinner at The Grotto (in the hotel) and it was yet another great dining experience.
We started out with their Spicy Mussels al Fresca as an appetizer and they were wonderful.
We also shared a bowl of their Lobster Bisque and it was truly delicioso.
For an entrée I ordered the Veal Kickarillo (Parmesan crusted scallopini with mushrooms and
All I can say is…. Thank God we came home the next day, before Mr. Snoots had to pay for an
Gained 5lbs just reading this post!
It looks like you and the mr. had an amazing time!
I loved all of your post about Vegas, because I love going to Vegas. If I can't be there I can read about the fun you had. Sounds like you had a ball. Just what Vegas is all about winning, losing and eating.
What a grand time!!! I LOVE lobster bisque more than anything in the world...
You are a very deserving woman!!!
The food looks, yumm-ee! I can see why there might have been a problem.
My stomach is growling..I mean seriously...I'm so jealous. And you look fab, I don't know what you are talking about. And your daughter is beautiful!
Good Lord, you don't need to be worrying about your weight. I can't even see what you're talking about!
Vegas is always such a good time. A friend of mine recently got a time share there, so I'm hoping for a Vegas trip in December this year!
I would be twice your size if I ate all that delicious food! I think you look mahvelous!
I know I sound like a broken record, but oh my does that food all look delicious!! I think you look great, worrying about what you eat is not something you do in Vegas!
You look wonderful .. and SnootyDaughter looks like life/job agrees!
I gained 5 lbs reading what you ate!
I just had lunch...and after reading this I'm already hungry again!
You look great!
I had a blast getting to see you!! And you look fabulous :D Miss you already! Buying my flight home today, see you in June!
Damn - I wish I had known! I was in Vegas on Saturday night. We were at The Venetian. I was a poker widow - Vol Fan played in a Texas Hold-Em tournament all night long!!
I gained a pound just reading this!
I received an email from my mother saying "Did you know that your name and picture are featured on Snooty Primadonna's blog?! and when did you go to vegas?!" Whoops, guess I forgot to tell her! Anyways, again thank you and Mr. Snooty so much for the faboosh dinner and the exhilarating shark tank slide experience. I had a fantastic time finally meeting ya'll and learning about from whence Snooty Daughter was spawned...
Come back soon!!
Caroline H.
Sorry Caroline! I didn't mean to let the cat out of the proverbial bag. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting you as well. However, you still have no idea from whence Erin was spawned. Which means we must all get together again when I'm not feeling all fat & depressed about losing at cards, lol. I swear that I'm so much more fun than that! Well, sometimes I am.
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