When I awakened this morning, the first thing Mr. Snoots told me was that there are TWO foxes and the new one is much larger. He'd seen them out in the garden this morning and was shocked, since we've only ever seen the one, and the pups that one time a few years ago. This really excited both of us!
I ran the water in the garden for most of the morning and into the afternoon, as it dries out quickly in the West Texas sun. I also hoped it would provide our foxes with some thirst prevention.

The rest of today we spent finishing the cleaning of the patio and preparing to have friends over for dinner tonight and we worked exhaustively to finish in time. Then as we were preparing dinner, I looked out the kitchen door to see Felicia sauntering along the back sidewalk as I've seen her do so many times before. I watched as she gracefully glided over the fence to the garden and disappeared.
At that moment, our friends arrived for dinner and sat around the kitchen island, talking, as we finished the preparations for said dinner. We told them about the new fox we've never seen before and they were as fascinated as we were. At that moment, the hubby was looking out the door and said, "Hey, it's the fox." Then she quickly disappeared over the fence that leads to the vegetable garden. His wife and I crowded around the door and we decided to put dinner on hold as we all tiptoed out to the garden for a closer glimpse of her beauty.
Like little children, we made our way to the garden as quietly as possible and were graced with the most precious glimpses of the Felicia's pups. We only saw three total, but that doesn't mean there aren't more. Immediately, I mentally named them Huey, Dewey, and Louie for some odd reason. But, you should have seen the look on Felicia's face. It was that "Don't make me hurt you" look. So, we quickly bowed our way out of the garden and returned to our final dinner preparations.
Still, we could barely talk of little else, even throughout dinner. So, of course, we had to steal another silent glimpse of the babies. I could shoot myself for not having the camera with me. I was in dinner mode, not guest mode. Anyway, they were still out playing and she still had that stern look on her face, so I shooed everyone back to dinner on the patio.
So, I think I'm going to have to get a strap to carry the camera around my neck, in order to have it at the ready. I'm bound to see them again tomorrow evening when I attempt to tend my vegetable garden. If they're there, then I'll try to get some decent shots and blow off tending the garden. Water will do it sufficient good right now, which I turn on in the backyard by the guesthouse. So, I'm good with that.
Good Grief! I feel like a grandmother! And, maybe this means we'll have less
I hope you are able to get a good shot of the babies. I only get rabbits and squirrels her in town.
First of all, LOVE your patio. Second, that is really cool, and I hope you do get a photo of the pups.
We had a fox in the 'hood back in D.C. Can you believe that? He/she would walk right through our car port and up to the front door.
At first, I feared for my 11-pound portly Yorkie, but quickly realized the fox was no threat.
We once had a doe hide her newly born fawns in my neighbors Hostas-three of them. It was amazing. She came back in the middle of the night to reclaim them.
Now go get that photo!
So cool - can't wait to see them. Camera strap is a must...
And I can't even talk about your porch, to much drooling going on at the moment! lol
I would love to have a fox come for a visit:)
I wanna come see!
Your patio is lovely Snooty. Yes you need a camera strap in the worst way now. I really want to see pics of those babies. Lucky you to live where you have that little bit of wildlife. I have birds, squirrels and the occasional rabbit.
Camera strap is a good idea! Cant wait to see the pix of the kits
be careful, a momma of any species will do anything to protect her young. We don't want you to have to get a rabies shot now do we?!
Be safe, but oh...it would be nice to see some pics of the babies!!!
How wonderful and what great dinner conversation on such a glorious patio. So beautiful!
I cannot wait for the pictures;) Your table and plantings look wonderful....
You need to have a camera implanted in your hand or something. I'm thinking about it ...
Get one of those cameras strapped around your noggin, then you can work and shoot!
Yes~ Keep the camera handy! I want to see pictures of the babies!
Can't wait to see the pictures! We have a red fox den on our property; haven't seen her in a while due to a coyote pack.
Have a great rest of the week!
Gorgeous patio! How lucky that your guests got to see the foxes. I want to come to your house for dinner, food and entertainment!
Great idea to keep your camera handy when you are out in the garden! I can't wait to see more pics!
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