Well, I am excited beyond belief! My attempts to get shots of the fox babies were fruitless. However, Mr. Snoots (My Hero) is taller than I and can lean over the fence with a camera. We attempted several shots yesterday but they were not good and I feared that we wouldn't get a shot at all.
You need to click on the pictures to get the larger version.
Tonight when Mr. Snoots got home, he said he'd go try again and the result was a whopping success! Of course, we were only able to get a picture of one of the pups. When Felicia smells or senses pending danger, she moves fast to get the pups back into the shelter under the old playhouse. So, the other two had already been herded under the little house. These are such amazing creatures, these foxes.
So, I'm feeling almost like a proud
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A first baby fox for me. What a photo! Congratulations!!! Hope you get more pics to share!
So stinking cute!
Precious overload! I want one of those;)
Hooray for Mr. Snoots!! Those babies are too cute!!
Hey, I braved one of my biggest embarrassments to show you these pictures! The backside of my garden. The old playhouse, under which the foxes keep their *summer home* was old & falling apart when we bought this property 23 years ago. I think we've had it painted twice over the years but the kids would never play in it. Probably a good thing...
You are so lucky to have those babies in your backyard! I'm green right now.
Good job Mr. Snoots!
Do they need a baby quilt?
Tell Mr. Snoots that I said thank you from the bottom of my heart.
OMG you have a damn zoo there! Thanks Mr. Snoots for the hard work!
Mr. Snoots is a gem! Cute!
I want wildlife that like in my backyard. Just the cutest thing. I would be outside all the time with my camera.
I love foxes. They're so cute and quite mysterious. The mom is sweet with her little white eyebrows and baby looks like a very expensive plush toy. :o)
We have a red one that comes to the edge of our golf course sometimes I always have good luck when I see her.
Congrats Grandma! Is it strange that I was excited to see Felicia's kits?
Yay Mr. Snoots! I have never seen a picture of a baby fox before. (And congratulations, does this make you a "foxy grandma" by the way?) hee hee
Precious! Great job Mr. Snoots! I wonder where the fox daddy is?
Mr. Snoots is a keeper!!! Great shots and the baby is so adorable.
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Something tells me that I got off easy with groundhogs.
Is that baby on the left in the bottom picture having a stare down with the owl?
Actually, that's the mom...
Hey...guess what else Mr. Snoots got? Check out the butterfly to the right of the pix. It's more clear on pix 2, and it looks like the baby's talkin to it!
A Butterfly Whisperer? Nah! That's an old piece of garden art that didn't weather well. When hubby cleaned out the garden last winter, he just stuck it there. You can see the wire that holds it trailing off to the right...
Awwwwwww.......hug Mr Snoots for us for those snapshots. Snootster, you are just so sweet for keeping up with and checking on Felicia's babies. Thank you for showing these. You need to call Animal Planet.......to heck with Meercat Manor. I demand Felicia's Foxy Forrest!!!
Did you register anywhere for gifts?
Hope your weekend is filled with love, joy and laughter and.....
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Oh Mr Snooty rocks! So do the pix, Liz, Felicia is a good mama .. protective .and her kit is very handsome
Very cool. We have fox here, too, but it's rare to see one. My sister lives in VA so keeps us entertained with her critter photos. Recent one was of a beaver family. Nice catch on these shots!
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