My original game plan was to leave
town for a couple of days when they began the re-roofing of our house. If you've ever gone through it I'm sure you can understand why. The whole experience is nerve shattering and can leave you completely frazzled. The last new roof we got (20 yrs ago) was done when the kids & I were at the lake.
Once they left, I worked on trying to get everything back to normal on my computer but alas, nothing will ever again be the same. Our Guru installed the latest version of Microsoft Windows and everything is different, plus located in areas that I've yet to discover in the annals of my new machine. I think I'm going to need some Xanax or Valium to get through this day
without being committed to the loony bin by the time they finish and/or the time I get computer related things somewhere remotely close to what they were prior to its untimely death.
I was coiled up like an over wound clock last night and wasn't able to get to sleep until after 2:00 AM. I'm pretty sure I ground my teeth down considerably last night. Then, the roofers showed up at the azz crack of daylight at 6:30 this morning and started the banging, loud crashing, hammering, scraping and drilling with some very loud electrical tool that sounds like a dentist's drill. Uh-huh. What a lovely way to greet the day! Then, I realized that I was just grateful it's not going to rain today, which would likely extend this fun experience an additional day. I must say that I'm handling it all at about 4 % better than I did yesterday. At least today it's mostly just hammering... so far. Yee Haaaaaww!

I keep hearing the crashing and tinkling of glass being broken but have yet to find where it is. That search should keep me occupied for a while. I hope I'm not just hearing things, which might confirm my suspicions about my own sanity and yet the thought of finding a treasure broken isn't something I'm sure I could handle today. I could handle a window breaking, but have my doubts about any treasured pieces. Let's just blame my attitude on menopause, shall we? Okay, so I just found two antique cut glass old fashioned glasses broken. Apparently
all the pounding and hammering shook them off their shelf. The remaining three are fine but won't do much good with just three.
I am so pathetic for whining about such trivial things. As Mr. Snoots reminded me, I have an awesome new computer system with something like a gazillion RAMS of memory and it's so fast I had to reinstall my computer chair seat belt so I wouldn't fall out. Additionally, I'm getting a fabulous new $35,000.00 roof FOR FREE, compliments of our home owner's insurance.
So, in the words of Gilda Radner's SNL character Emily Litella, "Never mind...."
Oh, and let me just say that the head of the whole roofing project just came to the door (I'm still in my robe with bed head hair - great!) to let
me know he needed to go inside the guest house to check the damage to the wood beams, which means I will be moving EVERYTHING out in order for repairs to be made to the ceiling structures. This is apparently just the *push* I needed. No, no... not a push over the edge of my fragile sanity, but a push to get my tush in gear on this guesthouse project I've become so lackadaisical about of late. So, I guess I better finish this post and shift into high gear. Boy, this is where it would be really nice to have those diet pills we all took back in college during exams, huh? So, this evening I worked like a madwoman on the guest house and you won't believe the progress I've made! Update with pictures soon...
Unfortunately, the motherboard of my computer chose this week to expire... to the death. Another discouraging development was that our computer Guru chose yesterday to come and install the entire new system
at approximately the same time the roofers arrived. I felt like a trapped animal since you take The Guru when he's ready to arrive. Otherwise it might be weeks before you see him again.
I will tell you that the first stage of re-roofing is the loudest part of this oh-so-fun adventure. Since I lost almost everything on my old computer, it was necessary that we spend the entire day (okay, 6 hours) attempting to retrieve what we could by downloading software programs from the
Internet and the discs I already had, re-entering vital information & passwords, finding & setting bookmarks all over again, etc. You know the routine, amidst the nerve wracking hammering, pounding, scraping and drilling.
As much as I worship our Computer Guru for for his expertise and ability to get me out of messes I've gotten into, the man just can't speak normally like the rest of us. When asked a yes or no question he must always answer with at least a 5 minute dissertation. He insists on telling me all of these highly technical details that do nothing but confuse me and fill my mind with unwanted clutter. Which of course, takes far more time than is necessary.

As much as I worship our Computer Guru for for his expertise and ability to get me out of messes I've gotten into, the man just can't speak normally like the rest of us. When asked a yes or no question he must always answer with at least a 5 minute dissertation. He insists on telling me all of these highly technical details that do nothing but confuse me and fill my mind with unwanted clutter. Which of course, takes far more time than is necessary.
When the Guru left, it was 6:00 PM and I was really down to my very last nerve and at that point I didn't care if I ever used the computer again. I needed to get out of the house so we went to a friends house for cocktails. (Mr. Snoots had been at his office all day and he's almost deaf anyway, so none of it phased him in the least.) We returned back home at around 7:00 PM and the roofers were still hard at it. Argh! They finally stopped all the banging well after dark, at around 9:30 PM, at which point I had no nerves left at all. I suddenly
understood complete insanity and what it feels like. I was there. If they hadn't left when they did, I was on the verge of strangling every damn one of the roofers.

Once they left, I worked on trying to get everything back to normal on my computer but alas, nothing will ever again be the same. Our Guru installed the latest version of Microsoft Windows and everything is different, plus located in areas that I've yet to discover in the annals of my new machine. I think I'm going to need some Xanax or Valium to get through this day

I was coiled up like an over wound clock last night and wasn't able to get to sleep until after 2:00 AM. I'm pretty sure I ground my teeth down considerably last night. Then, the roofers showed up at the azz crack of daylight at 6:30 this morning and started the banging, loud crashing, hammering, scraping and drilling with some very loud electrical tool that sounds like a dentist's drill. Uh-huh. What a lovely way to greet the day! Then, I realized that I was just grateful it's not going to rain today, which would likely extend this fun experience an additional day. I must say that I'm handling it all at about 4 % better than I did yesterday. At least today it's mostly just hammering... so far. Yee Haaaaaww!
I keep hearing the crashing and tinkling of glass being broken but have yet to find where it is. That search should keep me occupied for a while. I hope I'm not just hearing things, which might confirm my suspicions about my own sanity and yet the thought of finding a treasure broken isn't something I'm sure I could handle today. I could handle a window breaking, but have my doubts about any treasured pieces. Let's just blame my attitude on menopause, shall we? Okay, so I just found two antique cut glass old fashioned glasses broken. Apparently
I am so pathetic for whining about such trivial things. As Mr. Snoots reminded me, I have an awesome new computer system with something like a gazillion RAMS of memory and it's so fast I had to reinstall my computer chair seat belt so I wouldn't fall out. Additionally, I'm getting a fabulous new $35,000.00 roof FOR FREE, compliments of our home owner's insurance.
So, in the words of Gilda Radner's SNL character Emily Litella, "Never mind...."
Oh, and let me just say that the head of the whole roofing project just came to the door (I'm still in my robe with bed head hair - great!) to let
Yikes. I think I may need an aspirin. But just think how wonderful it's all gonna be!
I'm exhausted just reading this post. Any major home repairs or renovations are overwhelming PERIOD!
I really should back up all my files, huh?
My files were all backed up & are every day. Unfortunately, when your mother board dies, you can't always recover all of the content...
I'm going back out to the guest house now & spend the day finishing it up and vaccuming...
Wow, I need a Xanax!!
PS - I learned the hard way (multiple times - yes, I'm thick headed!) to back up everything on an external hard drive:)
Ohh Snoots, I would be right there with you having a nervous breakdown. Especially after cherished treasures breaking. I find with age that my tolerance for noise and chaos is very low.
Just think how nice it will all be when done.
Hang in there!
I also need to back up my files. Any one with suggestions on the best way to do this? Keep in mind to keep it simple, I'm not great with technical computer stuff.
OY OY OY .. I would tell you to say to your Guru .. 'do you think I care? Just fix it' .. but I suspect that wont go over well.
It's times like these that remind you all repair workers must be screened for looks. I mean you could have moved outside, drank frostie drinks and watch them glisten in the sun from the comforts of your neighbors house. Of course you would have had to invite over some of your closest blog friends to help gossip and 'watch' the progress ...
Oh my goodness I would be at my wits end too. Be careful, last time we had our roof done we had flat tires left and right from roofing nails. Finally had to get the guys to bring back a huge magnet and get them all up. I'm just saying, you don't need another dilemma.
Girl. I think you need a drink.
however, I am in FW. I'll be home Friday night. Saturday maybe???
We had a roofing project like that done. It took 3 days and was so loud I thought I'd go crazy! The new roof looks beautiful, you will be happy that you went with composite.
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