This time, we're staying in Santa Monica, on the beach, rather than a hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Yes, it's costing more, but this will be our 32nd wedding anniversary AND my 57th birthday celebration. Gawd, I'm getting old. So, dues must be paid and Mr. Snooty has complied with and consented to, my planning of this trip. Like he had a choice.
On this trip, we are going to go to Disneyland in Anaheim,
We've been trying to decide on which restaurants to make reservations, but it's been difficult to make any firm decisions. There are so many excellent restaurants in Santa Monica that it would blow your mind. I don't even know where to begin.
I told Mr. Snoots that I wanted to rent bikes one day and ride up & down the boardwalk at Venice Beach and he looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. Okay, that's out. Fine. What about renting roller blades? Nope. That got an even worse scowl from the Mister. Hmmmm... Apparently, all Mr. Snooty wants to do is lie around the hotel room and plan where we're going to eat. Whatever! I want to get out and live a little! So, I guess I'll be doing all that living alone or with SD, when she can.
Does anyone have any grand suggestions?
On another note, my computer has been giving me all kinds of Hell. Our computer Guru says that the mother board is about to bite the dust and I'll probably lose all of my pictures. What?!?! All three million of them?!?! Crap... He's had the parts on order to build us a new computer system, but there's no telling how long that will take. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, that I might not be able to post to my blog or anything else at some point. This is not good for my online antiques & collectibles shop. But, what can I do? Mr. Snoots needs certain things on the computer for his business, so I'm stuck with whatever comes my way at this point.
On yet ANOTHER note, our son recently made the Dean's List at St. Edward's University and we're SO PROUD of him for all the hard work he has put into his

Vineyard tours? You can rent a limo and visit multiple without driving worries. If you go you MUST have one, two, three or more glasses. If you have an extra day perhaps you can tee off on Clint's course.
W00t Mr. T!!! And I love Santa Monica--are you staying at Shutters??? What a fun place. If you need a Lady-in-Waiting, I'm available;)
Tell your son I said, "Big Congrats!!! That is just awesome!"
I have never been west of the Mississippi so, I am know help in what to do in Cali, but I am sure you will have so much fun.
Hang in there with the computer issues...I would still read your blog whether you had photos or not!
I love Shutters too....there are so many, many amzing restaurants, it's hard to keep up with all of them...they open and close so much! Ask the concierge!
Way to go, Snooty Son!!
I think you should invest in an external hard drive to save all those pictures to. Do it fast! They don't cost too terribly much. You should be able to get a nice one for around $100.
PS - Have I told you how much I love trips? And how much I love roller coasters? And how much I love riding bikes on boardwalks? Just saying.
Well, I'm clearly going to California with the wrong person, LOL!
Considering Mr. Snoots smokes & won't stay any place that doesn't allow smoking, it wasn't easy finding a place to stay on the beach. However, I finally found the Holiday Inn (@ $195.00 per day) who guaranteed a smoking room for us as I spoke to them on the phone. Honestly, it's not bad at all. No room service, but why would I want to stay in the hotel to eat, right? Okay, I'm definitely going to miss breakfast room service, but I'll get over it.
Barring any more wild fires, we'll hopefully get to do some wine tours & tasting. Mr. Snoots said he doesn't care anything about it, but he'll go if I want. What a travel partner, huh? Oh. Yeah.
I plan to take a lot of long walks on the beach and spend some time shopping on the Santa Monica 3rd St. Promenade (although the last thing I need is more of anything...).
It will be the perfect place for US, really.
Mr. Snoots would never pay for a limo to take us anywhere. Ever. Never.
Snooty, I am a native to LA and all I can say is to come down the coast to OC. It is so much more relaxed here. If you're going to D-land do not miss the show at the Golden Horseshoe in Frontierland. It is the BEST ever and you will be rolling on the floor watching Billy Hill and The Hillbillies. OMGosh they are so funny. Lunch in The Blue Bayou would be nice. It is the restaurant in the Pirates of The Caribbean where you dine under false night skies with fire flies and paper lanterns. Great atmosphere but will be pricey but everything is at D-land. You'll have a great time though. :)
First .. make sure your guru backs up everything .. ASAP
WOOT to Mr T .. and yipppee on the trip and time w/SD ..
I am so envious of your trip to Disneyland...I've wanted to go all my life, I guess. I really don't care about going to DisneyWorld...I have been enchanted by the thought of Disneyland since I was old enough to watch Walt on TV. Have a great time, and congrats to SS!
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