And, if you don't have good friends, then you're missing out on one of the great parts about living life to its fullest. Family has to love you (well, in most circumstances). Friends love you because they want to.... And, people with friends know how to cultivate friends.
Obviously, I am delusional about my picture taking abilities, because I didn't get very many decent shots. Most of the time we were feverishly packing and trying to make sure that nothing going into storage would break, making sure to mark on each box what was inside so that if and when they do get another place, they won't have to rip through all the boxes trying to find just one thing.

So, I watched and took a few pictures. What they ended up doing was tying heavy ropes onto the furniture and lowering it, kind of guided (sliding down) by the ladder. The wind was blowing like Mach 10 miles per hour and it was freezing cold. You know, it actually made sense that it should be dull and dreary weather as everyone said good-bye to the house we all loved so much.
Then, because we're all so bad and have such odd sense of humors, we stood at the bottom, shaking the ladder as the others came down. Whenever they would freak out, we would laugh and say we were teasing... then we'd do it again as they started down again. Yeah. We were grasping at whatever humor we could find.

Then as we were heading back to the hotel we saw this middle aged man walking back from surfing in 35 degree weather. He was carrying his flippers in one hand, his surfboard tucked under his other arm, and he was barefoot. There is just no accounting for some people.
Did I mention that we're exhausted? However, I don't have time to recover. I still have the outside decorations to put up and the kids will be home for Christmas next week.... Yikes!
Now, due to inactivity and disinterest in my blog posts, I am heretofore going on hiatus for the holidays. Apparently, no one wants to hear my ramblings, so I'm out of here. I've got much better things to do with my time than leave a couple of dozen comments, only to receive a few in return. Now, my attention will be turned on my internet business, my family, close friends (In Real Life) and getting ready for Christmas. Have a wonderful holiday season everyone! I hope all your Christmas wishes come true!
I'm thinking about giving up the regular blog after the first of the year (that would be this one). When I begin to feel like I'm talking to myself, or feel as if I HAVE TO leave a comment on someone's post, then I believe it's time to call it quits. I thought I could possibly go somewhere with this blog but apparently I was delusional, so it's time to get back to Real Life. I've made many wonderful new friends through blogging, but it seems I'm boring them as well, so it's time to move on to bigger & better things....
My heart just breaks for your friends...
I'll miss you. I look forward to reading your blog every day. You have such a good attitude and express yourself so well. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year anyway.
First off... How you guys ended up getting that deck furniture down was pure genius! Second, your picture are fabulous! Third... My blog traffic has been really slow too, I think it's the time of year. I LOVE reading your posts and will miss you tremendously! :(
(PS, I've been commenting with my google account and I think some ppl didn't realize it was me, imom!)
You are good friends;) And don't quit! I like coming to Texas!
Oh I hope you don't really leave! Take a break and see how you feel. You are not boring me! And I love your blog. Tell us more about your internet biz and your holidays. Take care. xoxo
What good friends you are. So sorry I won't get to know you better since I just met you!
I'm sorry I haven't been around as much lately. I've been trying to keep busy IRL. I feel bad when I sit at the computer all day when I'm not working. I'm struggling to find my worth.
I will miss your blog. If you quit, please keep in touch. I'm glad we met.
Thanks for crossing yourself for me but evidently, my 14 kt. 2 ct. diamond tennis bracelet is only worth scrap. I was told $125.00 by one jeweler and $140.00 by another.
Your friends are lucky to have you to help them. I hate moving.
I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!
Hugs and love,
You are so lucky to have such goods and they are lucky to have you.
If there is one thing you will never be Snooty it is "boring." I love reading your stories, but I completely understand how you feel.
I find when I'm truly inspired, the words flow easily. When I'm pushing myself it is down right painful.
If you do decide to stop, I will miss you terribly but completely understand.
Merry Christmas Snooty!
Okay, perhaps I'm just having a bad day. I do have one every once in a while. I guess it happens more often when I'm exhausted & stressed. I'm so far behind on Christmas that it's not even funny AND I've missed every single Christmas party I've been invited to so far (5). That always puts me in a great mood. And, I was in a very foul mood when I wrote this post...
So, I probably won't quit blogging (yet). Last year at this time I had 3 times the comments, but most of those bloggers have quit blogging. Guess it's time to make new friends in addition to my current blog friends...
Let me just say "Thank you, bloggy friends!" I love you all & know I would miss you terribly if I quit blogging. Frankly, I think there should be some kind of rehab for those addicted to blogging. But hey - at least it's not a drug or porno or anything equally as disturbing. It's just an addiction to writing, comments and the world of blogging. It's not a bad thing, right?
Hope you do not quit. I enjoy your blog. I live in the same town as you so I always know what you are talking about. I do not blog but enjoy reading the local ones.
We all have bad days and the stress at the holidays is so real-especially cause you were off helping your friends (which is the real holiday spirit). Hunker down, get organized and get back to us. I've lost a lot of blog friends in the last few months-I'm always trying to keep up, stay current and meet the new ones (and sometimes they drop off in weeks). It is a constant upkeep kind of job. If you ever want to discuss it off line I'll tell you my approach. Don't leave we love you Mrs. Snoots! xoxo
do not make any life or blog altering decisions til after the holidays are over ... probably it would be safe sometime in early June .. no, wait, in June we have holidays too .. well, I guess you will just have to keep blogging!
If you stopped I wouldnt have a way to get to see how SnootyDaughter was doing and hear about Felica or that house you want ....
The newness has worn off, that's all. As far as comments go, a lot of folks are down (me included). 'Hope you're around for a long time to come, Ms. Snooty!
Dang...I was looking for a place that sold fresh fish in San Antonio.... and ended up spending a couple of hours reading your blogs.
Dont' worry that folks dont' make comments. Another friend with a blog has had over 1 million distinctive hits (different people)over the past 3 years, yet usually only 2 or 3 comments a day....but literally a million readers!
A blog is a great way of communicating... and I love how you do that.
Just take care and enjoy your life. I really enjoyed reading about it.
Take care.
Another old fut living in Texas...
Mary aka Krashdragon
Oh for Pete's sake ~ I know your not talking about me cuz instead of updating my blog, when I'm not taking care of the frinkin neighborhood who all like to get into car accidents, I'm over here leaving you comments. Seriously, let's just take a deep breathe and sneak a pill from the invalids while we contemplate quiting blogging. I mean ~ how the hell else are we supposed to find sanity if not from each other's blogs. You just go ahead and take your break while the rest of us out here go absolutely nuts from not having our Snooty fill .... hmpf.
Oh no! I just found your wonderful blog and now you are leaving :O(
Woody: Don't feel too badly for them. The state of Texas ended up buying both of their houses, so they don't owe near as much as they did before. However, the deal was that the house had to be in the condition it was, which is why we couldn't break the windows to get the patio furniture. A little detail I failed to mention. It was just painful for them to leave their dream home & they truly love Galveston.
Cathy: Guess I was just blowing off steam or being immature. What a surprise! I'll still be blogging for my soul until I expire.
Tammy: I know! Was that the coolest plan they came up with or what? I wanted to throw it over the railing to land on mattresses, lol. Duh!
MPM: False Alarm, lol.
Nine Acres: Don't give up on me yet. I was just having a weak *boo hoo* moment. I'm over it now.
Momster: As Gilda Radner's character Elaine would say, "Nevermind".
Heather: Ooops! False alarm. I would miss everyone too much. No way can I ever quit. A. Final Decision.
Dee: Thanks for coming out of lurk mode & commenting. Guess I was just having a bad day... those damned outside lights!
Beth: You are so right! I'm never happy about anything until I get all organized & I'm late this year. I'll shoot you an email as soon as I have the chance. Probably sometime in January, lol.
Daryl: Okay, that made me laugh! I think I'm just growing up in the blog world, is all. I came here as a babe in the woods & I'm still trying to adjust to some things, but I'm getting there...
Annie: Thanks. I feel like I was just being immature again, lol. Every time I've thought about quitting, I find that I can't. I need it and I want it.
Mary: You're right too. I need to get over the comment thing, especially since I do this for me. I'm beginning to learn that I don't need validation to enjoy blogging but I suppose I'm still in the early stages of figuring out this brave new world of blogging.
Blarney: LMAO! You are so funny and I suspect that you and I are much the same except that my neighbors (the alien, et al) have *people* if anyone has an accident & also someone who did all of their decorating, inside & out. However, they don't have beautiful wreaths like ours either...
Take as long as you need. I'm officially on vacay next week until after January but we should touch base. Love to you and a merry christmas to your family! xoxo
You best not quit blogging. Ill come down there and open up a can of whoop ass.
Or a bottle of chardonnay. Yeah, that sounds better. Ive not commented much on anything lately...just been in a funk the past few months. But, the fog is lifting.
I'll be down there with a second can of whoop ass. I've not been a good commenter lately, but I PROMISE TO DO BETTER if you don't leave us!
NO!!!! I do come (when I can shake these parasites sucking the life out of me), I just don't comment all of the time because, well, I'm grumpy. I am living vicariously through you Snooty, please don't leave me :-(
word veri is diseast... what's that supposed to mean?
What a relief! I'm so glad you came to your senses and stopped that crazy talk about not blogging. This is my first visit here...I come by way of Mental P Mama...and I love what I've read. My commenting can be spotty, but I'm usually pretty any rate, you can count on having me as a new stalker in 2010!
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