There is also another box (God knows where) that contains my most favorite ornaments, many of which were my in-laws' vintage ornaments, among others. Evidently, I decided I needed to put them someplace so safe no one would ever find them. Not even me. I've searched everywhere and am tired of searching (it's been 3 weeks since I started looking). I give up, which means I should find them sometime around Christmas, or after. Or maybe never.
It's certainly not fun watching myself lose my mind. In fact, it's rather painful. Yes, this is when a sense of humor really helps.
However, I am finally, at long last, mostly ready for Christmas. Today the housekeeper came, so I made good use of her being here. This year, she is having to work hard for the amount I pay her per week, not to mention that Christmas bonus. Still, I worked way harder than she did, I assure you. Well, maybe. We might have been more neck 'n neck, really.
Today, I've been at it since 7:00 AM and I've managed to make some serious progress. The outside lighted garlands are up, as are the front door wreath and the lighted wreath on the dining room window. (No, it still isn't lighting up because I hung the garlands backwards & don't want to take them down and do them right.) I cleaned out a lot of the stacks of *stuff* I've been accumulating everywhere and managed to send the housekeeper home with a huge load of *stuff* I just decided wasn't worth keeping. She was absolutely thrilled. I even managed to find a few stocking stuffers for her kids, leftover(and never used) from days gone by. The tree is finally finished, although lacking some of my favorite ornaments.
The Santa Claus collection and the snow globe collection are done as well. I even went so far as to go ahead and set the table for Christmas Eve dinner, although that might be a bit risky, given our mischievous cat, Trouble. I have no doubts that she'll be up on the table checking everything out and trying to get rubs off the crystal stemware. I'll probably have to put those back in the china cabinet until Christmas Eve.
And, what am I doing? Uh-Huh. I'm talking to my friends, on my blog. I needed a break and this is it folks. I'm taking my break with you all. Frankly, This is absolutely the best place to unwind and relax...It's beginning to look a lot more like Christmas now.
I think I've at long last come to the conclusion that I should learn to live with less *stuff*. Life could be so simple and I keep complicating things with all this chaotic clutter ....
See - if you quit blogging, then how will you ever get to take a break? :)
I was just thinking that you could make a note to yourself on your blog and then just look at it next year so you'll remember all this stuff. Of course, that'd mean you'd still be blogging....!! did the baggie thing help? I've been polishing silver for a week, and I still can't see the end. I think I may give it to you to sell....gah. And I couldn't set my table an hour before guests were due because of our nosy cat. I'd still rather have her back this Christmas....
You are putting me to shame. I'd better get back to work;)
You won one of the New York in Ten Seconds guidebooks ... come and get it!
Wow, you decorate beautifully. I struggled just putting up 2 100-count light strand yesterday...
I feel your pain. But don't stop blogging. You DO have fans.
I'm in love with your Santa collection and your tree is gorgeous! I can't believe you've already set your table for Christmas Eve! It looks beautiful!
So, if you figure out the (learn to live with less stuff) please tell me how you do it. I get rid of stuff and somehow I have the same problem in six months.
I have been there! I learned to take photos of everything as I am setting it up and get the photos printed then when I am packing it all up I put the photos in the box labeled 'Xmas Box 1' so I pull them out with the first box!
Snooty, your tree is beautiful and I LOVE your table...I think you are incredibly brave to set it so early, though!
When you come up with the perfect way to keep track of your "safe places", please let us know. I had navy blue tea lights I looked all over Oklahoma City for the rehearsal dinner in June that I forgot to take to the restaurant and brought home to use at their shower here...could not find them in July. They surfaced in December, in a place I'm sure I must have looked.
Have a merry Christmas and enjoy your children!
Outside of the three poinsettias that are on my diningroom table, we have not gotten close to getting ready for Christmas. And I'd LOVE to hunker down for a day and visit all the blogs I've neglected since last May. Oh man. I'm with you. I can't think of a better way to pass the time.
Staci: Too true!
MPM: Yes! The baggies worked better than the pacific cloth bags. Now I'm thinking about sealing the silver in my Food Saver vacuum packages, lol.
Daryl: I'll be right there!
Woody: It should be easier for me after doing pretty much the same routine for the last 32 years, lol.
Rian: Thank you. You know how misery loves company...
Tammy: Thank you! I do love my Santas.
Dee: If I figure it out I might have to write a book so I'll remember. ;-)
SB: Umm... I tried that already. Unfortunately, if you don't remember where the boxes are...
Pam: Thank you! It's hell losing your mind, isn't it? Unfortunately, people just think I'm really a Dumb Blonde now, lol.
kellypea: Somehow I find that so hard to believe... I pictured you as having lavish, glorious decorations.
Tree looks great, see you Monday!
I'm currently trying to simplify my life. You sure have a beautiful tree. I hope your Christmas is a wonderful one.
Thanks for your comment. You're a real life doll.
Mrs Snoots! You hit the nail on the head. When I pull everything out-I'm like, wow I forgot I had that. hahaha. I keep a Christmas book, where I write everything down so I don't forget. xoxo
Well the tree and everything else is beautiful. Wasn't their a tree leaning issue last year? This year it's magnificent. I've been busy, so I'm behind, but wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas to you and your family, and also the best New Year ever. BJ
I never got my 4th tree up this year or Christmas town and guess what? Christmas was still wonderful. Starting to majorly thin out my decorations.
Everything looks gorgeous at your house. Glad to see the quitting thing was just a passing phase. I go through it about once a week these days.
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