So, did you ever put on your boots to go outside and get firewood only to realize that you put them on the wrong feet, thereby tripping over your own feet? I mean since you were 5 years old?
Forgot to mention we never got the snow they promised... just a trace, then it sleeted for 2 hours last night. They are still saying we might get snow tonight & believe me, it is more than cold enough. Low tonight is predicted to be in upper 20's and even worse wind chill.
I swear, it's so going to be 75 degrees on Christmas Day. I feel it in my bones.... argh!
Um yes I have-- almost daily in fact. I've even done one better, I've gone to church with two different shoes. oh wait! One better, I went all day at church without realizing my skirt was on inside out.
So what I'm saying is, great boots Snooty-- was there something wrong with them in this picture? ;-)
How about putting two fingers in one glove while doing dismissal duty at school...not once, but twice in one afternoon? I'm glad I was subbing for Kindergarten and they didn't notice! The boots do look toasty, though, and for just a few steps, I bet your feet hardly knew the mix up! Keep warm.
Snooty Primadona's Sparkling Outlook On Life ... Or Not
Growing older takes a seriously sick sense of humor, not to mention emotional & physical stamina.... it isn't for the weak minded or faint of heart, I assure you.
I will try to guide you through the aging process with a little humor, tales from the past entwined with stories of today, tips you'll need to keep from looking & acting like an old hag, and the music you'll need to listen to in order to stay "young at heart". Or at least put up a good appearance.
Hahahahaha! Snooty you crack me up!! Cute boots, btw!
Pffffttt! haha!
I'm hoping it was after a dirty martini;)
Not yet, but I have put my car keys in the fridge–more than once.
I can't believe you guys got snow! I'm not a big fan of winter but snow before Christmas is awesome!
Very cute, Snooty! Love how you took a picture and blogged about it! :)
No but yesterday TWICE I tried to put my gloves on the wrong hands
No but I regularly lose my glasses while they are on my head.
Forgot to mention we never got the snow they promised... just a trace, then it sleeted for 2 hours last night. They are still saying we might get snow tonight & believe me, it is more than cold enough. Low tonight is predicted to be in upper 20's and even worse wind chill.
I swear, it's so going to be 75 degrees on Christmas Day. I feel it in my bones.... argh!
You are too funny! Chalk it up to that mid-life thingy we women are SO fortunate to go through. (yeah, right)
Um yes I have-- almost daily in fact. I've even done one better, I've gone to church with two different shoes. oh wait! One better, I went all day at church without realizing my skirt was on inside out.
So what I'm saying is, great boots Snooty-- was there something wrong with them in this picture? ;-)
How about putting two fingers in one glove while doing dismissal duty at school...not once, but twice in one afternoon? I'm glad I was subbing for Kindergarten and they didn't notice! The boots do look toasty, though, and for just a few steps, I bet your feet hardly knew the mix up! Keep warm.
HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA shut. up. Hilarious!
O don't worry mamachance!! I did that last joke! I really did!
Don't worry MamaChance!! I did that last Wednesday...Seriously!!
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