In case you don't recall, this is the time of year when Fernando and Felicia Fox (ahem) mate, which means that soon Felicia will be pregnant with more adorable pups. I am all atwitter with anticipation! Love is in bloom in our garden, which is the only thing blooming back there.
We haven't seen her much lately, but Mr. Snoots usually bags at least one squirrel every weekend and heaves it over the back fence into the garden. When he goes out 30 minutes later, that squirrel is always gone. I'm sure she is fond of us for that, if for no other reason. Mr. Snooty says I live in some weird alter dream world, but I honestly believe we have a mutual respect thing going on.
Anyway, I've decided to not have a garden anymore. Ever. As much as I loved having fresh vegetables whenever I wanted them, I realized at the end of last summer that my normal back pain had not been present, so it was pretty obvious that working in the garden had been the culprit of said pain all along. When I first started having a garden 20 years ago, I did so to have fresh organic vegetables. At the time, there were no farmers markets and no organics available through the grocery stores. Luckily, that has since changed, so I no longer have the need to grow my own.
I think I'll derive a much greater satisfaction in watching Felicia's belly grow, then watching yet another litter of pups grow up in my garden, even though they destroyed everything out there last year. They're just like little kids... they make a huge mess.
So, I look forward to having my sweet little wild wards back again this year for continuous romping entertainment.
I think the thing I love most about
I'm convinced that I should buy a web cam to mount in the garden this year. Wouldn't that be a hoot to watch? Forget Puppy Cams. Foxes and baby foxes would be infinitely much more exciting, yes? So, with that in mind, I bid you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!
WAIT! Aren't you supposed to be moving?! How are we going to see the pups if you sell the house & move? I hope Mr Snoots has a plan to relocate the happy couple or bloggy land will be in complete uproar over missing the end of the love story.
Loving the idea of a fox cam:)
I am completely behind the foxcam! But those puppies sure are cute in the meantime!
Awwww...how sweet. I can't believe they are in your garden! Our foxes won't come anywhere near humans.
Love the idea of a fox cam!
You could start a new website, foxycam.com...DO IT!
OMG!!! I used to have baskets hanging like that in my kitchen.
Foxes........so cute!!!
I'm all for FoxyCam as well!
FOXCAM! Can't wait!
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