On the plane returning home Mr. Snooty says, "You know, I was going to take you to see Celine Dion in Las Vegas but you seemed so set on going to Mexico that I didn't say anything." That was when I had to tell him the truth. I had to tell him that he would not have wanted to take me to see Celine because I would have bawled all the way through the show. I would have embarrassed him beyond all belief... and myself. Yes, I'm like that for some weird reason. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm frustrated. I don't know why I'm like this because I certainly don't enjoy being this way. (You should have seen me during both pregnancies. I cried over everything. For 9 whole months, then again for another 9 months. I can hardly believe Mr. Snoots stayed with me through all of that, but I suppose he did want his children. I was a total mess.)

So, our son gave me the DVD of Celine's Vegas show for Christmas that year and what do you think I did? Of course. I blubbered and cried all the way though the DVD. Twice. Thrice. It's embarrassing, really. Sometimes I totally detest being like this, but everyone who knows me, knows I'm really a *tender heart* inside and this is how I react to things that really move me. Unfortunately, almost everything moves me. That's not to say that everyone I know isn't embarrassed if they are with me when this happens. It's completely ridiculous and I don't understand it. I mean, I could see a number of different rock or country bands and I'd be fine. It's the people who get to my heart, that make me react in such a manner. I never cried at a Willie Nelson concert, okay?
So, when Mr. Snoots sent me an email today about Celine returning to Vegas for a 3 year stint, I got so excited, I swear I almost wet my pants! You can read all about it HERE. She isn't scheduled to begin performances until late March of 2011, so I figure that gives me time to seek psychiatric help so I can get through one of her concerts without looking like a total
The first time I ever saw, or even heard of Celine Dion was her first American introduction on the Today Show. She could barely even speak English at the time, and had a very thick French accent. I knew even then, that this skinny, awkward looking young girl was going to be famous one day. I'm seldom wrong on predictions such as these, which makes me think I should have chosen another calling... like talent agent or DJ.
Here is Celine, singing my favorite song (among many) from one of my favorite movies:
So.... What do you think? Is it possible to overcome an affliction such as this crying thing? Do I need to consult a
We've decided to make it a family trip and we're going to take both kids, so maybe they can pinch me to keep me from crying. It always worked for The Brown Recluse when I was a child. At any rate, we'll all go to see Celine Dion together in 2011 or perhaps 2012 and hopefully, by that time, I can learn how to control my emotions in public. Or not.
I say just let it all hang out...I love her too;)
I'm with MM, if she moves you that much, let it all hang out!
A friend of mine saw her show, and said that almost everybody was shedding tears. You just may not be the only one, and if you wanta cry, just let it out! You know, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. :)
Try the conditioning method.... watch your video over and over. But when you actually see her LIVE, you'll be so excited, you'll cry anyway. You're just the sensitive type Snoots!
Have you seen that video of the crying wife? She cries at the end of every movie!
I am a cryer too - so annoying! I try to just think of baseball or something!
I share in the same affliction! My mom always said I wore my heart on my sleeve. Mine is so bad I could be a paid mourner at a stranger's funeral. I'm a total embarrassment! Looking upwards some times helps?
I dont think Celine can make me cry for the same reasons she makes you cry but I wont go there .. I do however get fa-klempt a lot ... I see crowds of people, I get choked up, I watch 'In Memorium' on This Week and I get very choked up ... sigh ... so I understand how you feel except the part about Celine ...
I don't do Celine, but I've been a bit weepy this last year and I think it's hormonal.
I say go and cry your way through it. Celebrate you. No pinching and no Brown Recluse. Holy crap Snooty, be yourself... enjoy!
And then come back and blog about it so we can laugh with you! Cuz that's what friends do!
Nope. You cannot overcome this. I know from personal experience. There are COMMERCIALS that make me weepy that's how bad I am. Just take a jumbo size kleenex wear waterproof mascara (a must) and enjoy yourself!
I loved reading all the comments! Everyone is right, let it all out! I'm not much of a crier, except at my daughter's dance shows those always get me, especially the little kids dancing, oh my gawd!
Just bring a couple of boxes of tissues. You can also request to be seated on the opposite side of the room from your family. :)
I cry all the time. Maybe we should buy stock in Kleenex. Just sayin'....
Big hugs,
Green-Eyed Momster
I understand completely, but I totally avoid situations that make me bawl. I just can't shake it afterward. So no Titanic for me (and you can't make me watch that video, nice try). I did see Fried Green Tomatoes, but I will never watch it a second time.
I also cry when I'm really angry—which I HATE!
But if you enjoy it, just do it!
I'm worried Golfing Son has my affliction too. When we saw Alvin and the Chipmunks he started to get totally freaked out when he thought the chipmunks wouldn't make it back to Alvin. Fortunately they were reunited shortly before any tears fell. They were singing chipmunks for goodness sake! Bless his heart. He is a sweet soul.
Cry away! We all need a release for our emotions. Otherwise, we might go insane. Sounds like a fun family trip.
I still want to see Barry Manilow in Vegas...I'll cry too!
So you are the one that got my crying gene. I am so NOT a crier. Stoic. That's me.
Me too. Crier. I seriously thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown right in the theater when I saw the movie "Up." The commercials on those Hallmark Hall of Fame movies...do me right in! If you find a way around this, please share...but I pretty much think that once a crier, always a crier. I'm with everyone else...go, enjoy, and cry as much as you want/need to!
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