Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just When We Thought We Were Safe....

Yup. The biggest snow we've ever had decided to pay us a visit last night and it's still snowing as I speak write. Of course this would happen after we had three new trees planted yesterday. Go figure. This is West Texas, right? This is just SO WRONG!

I think our son brought it with him. I hope he takes it with him when he leaves.

Trouble The Cat says she is NOT going outside to do her business. Guess I'd better get that cat box cleaned out today so she doesn't use my closet or something.

Of course this happened after a warmer spell of weather that made everything start budding. Buh-bye buds.

For once, I am almost speechless...


abb said...

Man! The snow we've all had this year! It's snowing/raining here today. And Stella-dog very kindly found every patch of mud and brought it in the house with her. I am so happy. Trouble has the right idea!

Snooty Primadona said...

LOL Annie! I love Stella! Trouble keeps wanting to go out but she just can't bring herself to do it... Which means I need to go take care of her cat box business.

Sjn said...

I just saw that on the weather map. I'm sure it'll be headed to Atlanta in a few days. This winter has been hell on my golf game!

Mental P Mama said...

Gah. Just, gah.

Queen of Halloween said...

I blame it on you watching the Olympic games...;) The weather fairy must of figured you needed atmosphere too...;)
Don't you find the weather climate is changing? our winter in Canada is not as severe as in previous years? Plus it's 1 month out of whack...
Love your games coverage...I don't have reg TV only watch series [as a series] & movies. Great blog

Daryl said...

Wrong its just wrong .. and here, its raining .. FEH

Snooty Primadona said...

It's crazy I tell you! However, it's now already starting to melt. You know. After it already killed all the budding going on. Argh!

And, last weekend we went out to our favorite nursery and dropped a load of money on two Cleveland Pear trees and one Bradford Pear tree to replace the trees that died of bores last year. They came and planted them yesterday. Argh again! Thank Gawd they are guaranteed for a year...

And how freaking weird is it that it's raining in NYC and snowing in West Texas?????

Trouble is now giving me the *stink eye* so I guess I'd better go clean that cat box, LOL!

Tammy said...

What Mental P Mama said x 10!!

Treasia Stepp said...

I know what you mean about the weather. We've had more snow in our part of Arkansas than I've seen my entire life. This weather has gotten so strange in the last few years. Kinda makes me scared to think about what the future holds, weather wise anyway.

Beth Dunn said...

I'm speechless for you! What's up? I'm shocked. Love the pics as much as I love you. xoxo


Heather Kerrigan said...

MAKE IT STOP! Our massive snow was about half gone (done to a mere foot) and now it's snowing again.

I've decided mother nature is a scorned woman and she's seriously ticked off at Mr. Woods. ;o)

Lyn said...

Snowing in big blobby flakes here(NYC)..not sticking..Milo(cat)crazy on the window sill..wants to fly too!
Chin up..daylight is lengthening!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I think it's purty and want to know why these freak storms hit when I'm out of the country and can't experience them?


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