But, I think where I see it the most prevalent is in the world of figure skating. It seems that these days it is so difficult to find a suitable/compatible skating partner, or there are problems with citizenship, or whatever reason. It's like Musical Chairs in their world. I honestly can't keep up with it. Who is from where but was born elsewhere and defected yet another elsewhere. It's exhausting. These are indeed modern times and one must learn to grow along with ones world, right? So, I'm just saying that it would be nice to have a printed guide to go by here at home. If there already is one, then I haven't been privy to it, nor have I seen it available for sale.

Bode Miller did not disappoint yesterday; winning the Gold Medal for the men's super combined. While the Super G combines downhill and giant slalom on the same hill and same race, the super combined has two legs with combined totals in time and technical scoring for two separate, consecutive runs. It's almost a kind of stamina test to see who can handle the brutality the best. It's like an all-star type event. Today, Bode Miller proved he isn't the same Bode as years gone by. He has definitely crossed the threshold into manhood. Way to go Bode!!! I don't want to start sniffing for another Gold Medal just yet since I don't want to jinx anything, so I'll shut up for now.

Then, the USA Hockey Team somehow pulled off a win against Canada! Woot! Woot! What a sweet win that was! Hopefully, Canada will be up against Russia next. Thank goodness not us.

And, OMG! When did they come up with Ski Cross? That is basically what we all did when free skiing back when I was young and bullet-proof. My brother and his stuck-up buddies were the first ones I strove to keep up with and pass. Later, it became guys I liked and dated (like former Olympic Ski Team members Kellogg Boynton and Andy Mill, or Univ. of Colorado ski team member Sid Erickson (my first serious boyfriend) or former almost California surfing champion Colin Frosche, then finally, my first husband who was not a competitor but a ski patrolman. The only other men I've skied with since then were family. Mr. Snoots (back in the day), his brother and his uncle, and our son and an occasional male friend. The kids and I often did what resembled the Ski Cross, but never quite so competitive. I've slowed way down over the years though. You know. Like almost to a screeching halt.

Later on they had the women's relay and biathalon where they cross country ski (never cared for it since I liked to go fast) and then do the sharp shooting thing. Not a favorite event of mine, so I have no opinion.
At any rate, I hope you're enjoying my coverage of the Olympics thus far. I certainly am!
We've pretty much got the olympics on here anytime of the day. My daughter has been taking skating lessons so from time to time she's checking those competitions out. I was watching hockey and check out the Flying Tomatoe whenever he's on. I wonder if they have program items actually in Canada? I mean the people have to know what's happening when right? Hmmm ~ looks like your next fortune 500 effort will be to print bios and programs/books for us back in the states. ;)
Enjoy it all! Great commentary by you I must say.
Watch out though, I'm predicting you're going to go into Olympic withdrawal when they suddenly come to an end.
You should give Jeff Zucker a call! NBC could use you;)
Blarney: Yup, everyone needs a dream & the Olympics are just thing to fuel that! I loved that hockey game last night, what little I got see of it.
sjn: I'm hoping the closing ceremony will give me some closure, LOL!
MPM: Now don't go putting thoughts like that in my head!
Oh & I forgot to tell you that we used to call the Ski Cross "f*ck your buddy", LOL! Guess I can understand why that didn't translate to the Olympics...
I'm enjoying it and inspired by it ... and it's going snow here on Thursday and I'm going to skiing on Friday at the little mountain... I mean hill... abt 20 minutes away from the house.
I'm lovin' all of it! And your coverage is most excellent, Ms. Snoots!
Snooty, I'm loving your Olympic coverage. I haven't watched much at all just some curling and speed skating and not much else. Your recaps are interesting, informative and entertaining. I got caught up yesterday then was interrupted before I could comment.
I'm learning a lot about you too! I have a friend who almost made it to the Olympics skiing in 1980, but she crashed and had surgery killing her Olympic dreams. I'm still friends with her today and she's still having surgery on her knees!
I have to go back and read part two of your "married before" post.
I'm loving all of it!!
My mom and I were laughing the other night when we realized that my folks bought our first VCR (the size of a small Great Dane) to record the 1980 Olympics. They still have probably 40 tapes full of the Olympics. I'd love to crank the old machine up and watch the them again. Can you come and do commentary? We'll serve wine!
Loved the ice dancing
Heather: I'll be there! Just let me know. And, I just took all of our important VHS tapes to a couple that's going to convert them to DVD for us. They can even do the ones that are kind of messed up.
Daryl: ME TOO! It was so beautiful and romantic and the best pair won... my pick!
Tammy: Well, I was never an Olympic hopeful, but I did qualify to ski on the pro circuit. Until I hurt my knee in a totally stooopid accident.
I'm totally digging the Olympics. Even though I have to stay up past midnight due to NBC tape delay on the west coast.
I loved ski cross, ice dancing and short track. Have not been into ski jumping or speed skating much this year. But it's not over yet so who knows!
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