Moms are all different but with a common goal; to raise our children the best way we know how. Most of us would kill for our children, if necessary. I know I would. I knew that the day they were born. I think it's basic instinct for most women, since babies aren't born with an instruction manual on how to nurture them. Yet whenever someone hurts our children, we hurt too. Probably more so. And as much as we want to take away their pain, we cannot, which complicates matters even more. Nor can we fix them when something goes south in their lives.
The only job I've ever wanted is to have children and raise them better than I was raised. I think I accomplished that, even though I still wasn't always the best mother in the world. Sometimes I was weakened from the lack of sleep and would yell or be snappish with the kids. There were times that I missed sporting functions because I simply couldn't stand going to all of them day after day, month after month, year after year. Other times they were late for school because I'd been up all night making class party favors and slept through the alarm. There were times I was late picking them up from school because I was still having fun at a late lunch with friends and had lost track of the time. I could go on, but I won't. I'm fairly confident you get the idea.
Still, the irrefutable fact remains that I kept them safe from harm, well fed, well dressed and well educated. I took them to Sunday School and church every week, 4 to 5 vacations every year and the lake house every summer. They both had braces on their teeth, huge birthday parties every year and plenty of toys at Christmas (after I stayed up all night playing Santa and putting toys together). I stayed up long nights when they were sick and took them to the doctor when needed. Frankly, they have led charmed lives compared to the way I grew up. I love them both unconditionally and they are both well aware of this fact.
So HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to me and all of you other Moms out there who didn't strangle our children during the *Terrible Twos* or the *Torrential Teens*....
Those maternity clothes are awesome! Are you wearing boots with the pink one? You fashionista, you.
Snooty you've been a wonderful mom. I'm still hoping to survive the lovely teenage years. Every day is a challenge. I just got "the eyes" for not flat-ironing her hair correctly. I think that earns me a missed bus or two. :o)
Annie: You couldn't even tell I was pregnant from behind. hehehe
Heather: Those *boots* are my swollen ankles, LOL! That pink dress was a Jan Barboglio, who was the hottest designer around in the early to late 1980's. But, you see I needed room with both 10 lb. babies.
Beth: Can't you tell how happy I was about the 2nd picture? That was actually the 1st pregnancy. By the 2nd, I didn't care. I even have a pic of me holding up that blue dress & showing the real thing....
Snooty Primadona's Sparkling Outlook On Life ... Or Not
Growing older takes a seriously sick sense of humor, not to mention emotional & physical stamina.... it isn't for the weak minded or faint of heart, I assure you.
I will try to guide you through the aging process with a little humor, tales from the past entwined with stories of today, tips you'll need to keep from looking & acting like an old hag, and the music you'll need to listen to in order to stay "young at heart". Or at least put up a good appearance.
Happy Mother's Day!
I think you are an awesome mom!!
Happy momma's day my friend! Love the pics - you were certainly all out in front!
It sure is the hardest job but worth all the rewards!
Happy Mother's Day!!
Your hubby probably just thought you might like another apron for your collection! :)
Those maternity clothes are awesome! Are you wearing boots with the pink one? You fashionista, you.
Snooty you've been a wonderful mom. I'm still hoping to survive the lovely teenage years. Every day is a challenge. I just got "the eyes" for not flat-ironing her hair correctly.
I think that earns me a missed bus or two. :o)
You are hyster! I would never let any photos of me pregnant be taken. xoxo
I hope you had a Happy Mothers Day.
Annie: You couldn't even tell I was pregnant from behind. hehehe
Heather: Those *boots* are my swollen ankles, LOL! That pink dress was a Jan Barboglio, who was the hottest designer around in the early to late 1980's. But, you see I needed room with both 10 lb. babies.
Beth: Can't you tell how happy I was about the 2nd picture? That was actually the 1st pregnancy. By the 2nd, I didn't care. I even have a pic of me holding up that blue dress & showing the real thing....
Late but still heart felt wishes to a mom who is one of the best I know!
We had the some mothering goals... give our kids better than we had! I hope you had a great day!
Holy schmo! Those are some big-ass babies! I hope they bought you something nice. Happy Mom's Day. :)
Hope you had a great Mother's Day madre! Wish I could have been with you :( LOVE YOU! And thanks for everything you do :D
Ya done good, girlfriend!!!!
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