Last night I was on the patio watering plants and bird watching, wearing my new "OFF" protector and received several new mosquito bites. There wasn't even a breath of wind. So, I'm telling you now DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! Another interesting thing is that when doing a Google search, I found the same product available through different web sites that has a wide range of prices. For instance, Amazon offers the starter pack for $10.00 plus S/H (one seller even offering it with 4 refills for $24.15!), Cabela's offers the starter pack for $6.99 plus S/H, Overstock Drugstore offers the starter pack for $9.30 plus S/H and refills (2 per pack) for $3.99. You must also keep in mind that it runs on two AA batteries, which, of course, increases the cost even more.
Personally, I think companies like Johnson & Johnson do their testing on anyone they can get to do it. What they need is people like me, who have the body chemistry that attracts the little demons. Mr. Snoots can be outside with me when I receive the vampire like bites, and he never gets a thing. Do you see? We have different body chemistry and I'm the one they go for.

I absolutely refuse to spend another summer either covered in clothing or covered in Deetz, which would mean I'd be spending the entire summer indoors. Since that's not going to happen, I guess it's back to the 98.11% Deets that is in OFF! Deep Woods Sportsmen Insect Repellent. That can't be a good thing, can it?
Honestly, when I play golf I don't have to worry about mosquitoes because of all the Martins that eat mosquitoes. They have dozens of Martin Houses all over the golf course and lots of still bodies of water, which is normally a huge breeding ground the tiny devils. Apparently, no one in my neighborhood has a Martin House.
As for treating the bites once you get them, I've found nothing sold over-the-counter or from prescription, that works....
Aveeno Anti-Itch Cream only relieves the itching for a couple of minutes, then the painful itching returns. Scratch that.
Benadryl doesn't work either. Yes, it does relieve the itching pain for a few moments but then you have to reapply.
Coastal Solutions, Inc. has a product called Bite Blaster. I couldn't feel any relief with this product although they claim it has Aloe Vera in it.
I tried another product called "Chigard" which is made by a Dallas company called The Colgin Companies. Perhaps it works swimmingly on chigger bites but it doesn't do diddly for mosquito bites.
The entire industry is a racket, I tell you! The only thing I've ever found (and never makes a claim that its product works best) is the good old Aloe Vera plant. It is Mother Nature's best healing agent and I carry a stalk in a plastic zip-lock baggie wherever I go....
Honestly, it more important than make-up....
I too am prey to every bug who bites ... I was hoping that repel thingie worked .. thanks for testing it out .. I use the Aveeno itch stuff w/o the Hydrocortizon (sp?) and it works well on me .. not saying it will on you .. somethings work for some and not others.
Maybe they are attracted to all of the chemicals and perfumes in these products? Have you tried just straight up citronella? I have seen it in sticker form as well as bracelets. I always get bitten a lot too but I find the bracelets work well even if I just stick them in my pocket.
As for after the bites...do the X thing with your nail and/or white vinegar!
You really must begin drinking gin martinis. Mosquitos hate the flavor of gin. It works!
I used to be bothered by those pesky insects when I was a kid, but they don't bother me much anymore, thankfully! Thanks for the heads up though, sometimes we go camping and try the latest, greatest, but won't now!
I like Annie's idea of gin martinis!
I'm the same way and unfortunately don't have a great solution. Alcohol or astringent constantly applied for a day seems to do the trick.
No, I'm telling you the Aloe Vera plant is the best thing ever. There is NO PRODUCT on the market that heals the bites better than aloe. Seriously. It's certainly worth the price of a small plant, which will provide you with years and hundreds of baby plants.
What Annie said....
wv: follking
I hate those follking mosquitoes!
Our national bird [the mosquito] just love my sweet diabetic blood! It's actually the sugary smell from our breath that attracts these little sweethearts...;{ I live in doors in the summer cause I'm allergic to all replellants. I found citronella to be the best for wearing. I'm with you on the aloe plant to be a cure-all for the body. Thanks for the heads-up on another useless product...:)
Mosquito bites are the bane of my existence. Like you, they wait outside for me to emerge. They seemingly distain larger, and from my perspective, tastier victims. Patient little suckers peeking into the windows and passing the word down the line, "She's coming out! Prepare to feast!"
My bites seemingly last forever and will itch for weeks even waking me up at night. Yes, I scratch. I know I'm not supposed to, but... well. They itch - Bad!
A friend of mine sold Melaleuca and when she saw my scabbed and welted bites gave me a bottle. It was a miracle! I swear! One drop of the elixir and the itch was gone for the whole day and sometimes even longer. When they began to itch again, one more drop rubbed into the bite and once more the constant nagging, scratch-me-now-or-you-will-die compulsion was gone. Poof!
When my small bottle ran out after a couple of years of relatively peaceful scratch free and quick healing bites, I found that Melaleuca was just a brand name for the readily available TEA TREE OIL.
So off to the health food store and I snagged my next bottle of magic oil. It worked about 98% as well as the original bottle and it was dirt cheap to boot.
So... long story to get to now (it's your fault you know; I've been reading you for a year and a half and I think you're a stunning, loving, creative, put your cards on the table and tell it like it is woman and use as many words as needed to make them laugh and convey the message) whew... ok.
Tea Tree Oil, one drop on your fingertip, massaged into the bite (fresh or scratched) and within a minute no more itch, and the bite heals very quickly.
Sarah E: You are awesome for sharing your experience with Tea Tree Oil. I'm going to the health food store to get some tomorrow! I'm so glad you left a comment & hope you leave more in the future...
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