I don't know about anyone else but I haven't been able to do much of anything here on Blogger the last several days. I managed to slip in a few comments, but when I tried to publish a post, they were *unavailable*. Over and over. So, I had time to do other more important things. Things like cleaning up all the cat hairball urps around the house. Trouble cat has had a rough spring and now, summer. I could make a huge blanket with the amount of hair that she has shed and it's been worse this year because we went from cold to cool to hot temperatures. Normally, she'd have a slower shedding process but this year is like Hairball Hell.
Trouble has never liked to be brushed and used to bite me when she was younger, if I tried. I've since learned that this cat likes to be brushed in *slow mo*, shall we say. You almost fall asleep while brushing her. She likes to be rubbed the same way. I think I already knew this, it was just lurking in the back of my mind. She's never liked any quick movements from anyone but her (of course). It's off-limits to the rest of us, right?
She actually allowed me to brush her for about 5 brushfulls of hair today, but I could have gotten way more, had she stayed still. I wasn't going to chase her down, right? It's like you know she wants it but she's a cat. Life is on her terms, and her terms only.
We once had a cat named *Pinky* (because he was, well... pink underneath all the orange and white tabby hair) who was most unique! He was the sweetest cat in the world and was never, even once in his life, anything but gentle. He was a big old lug and we all loved him well, for 19 years. Pinky was a glutton for affection, Doritos (his alias was The Dorito Bandito), the kids, the other cats, and ham (hence, his other alias The Ham Wort). He was quite a character and would play tug-of-war with our son and his pacifier when son was like a year old. Son would giggle for at least 30 minutes over that. It was hilarious. Pinky didn't care if the kids kids pulled his tail or dragged him around by an arm, he was always game. Pinky also didn't shed much, which made him an all around good guy.
As much as I loved Pinky, Trouble Cat has carved her own place permanently into our hearts, especially since she decided to allow us to start brushing her....
Cats do have an attitude, and lots of hair. I haven't had cats in a long time, but still miss having them around. I can't say I miss all that hair floating around, though. Willie provides plenty. I've been told knee high's filled with cat and dog hair and placed in the garden will do much to clear up my rabbit issues. I may give that a try. If it works, I will have found a use for all that hair. ;)
My cats enjoy brushing time, especially the two older ones who are gone now. The longer haired one would come running when she knew it was brushing time, she loved it so much. Like most cats she would let you know when she was done by walking away in a huff, but she was good for at least 15 minutes of brush time.
Daryl: I have one of those brushes & she won't let me near her with it. She has a condition called itchy skin syndrome and apparently it irritates her to use that brush. Talk about finicky!
My monster cat is a long haired [what was I thinking?] and LOVES being brushed...all over- HARD! I can usually get 10 hairballs [I call them kittens cause that's how big each one is] off of her before my arms want to fall off...;} She begs me for it daily. Her preference in brushes is the wire/rubber tipped kind. Helps scratch her skin while I'm at it...she thinks I'm her mommie grooming her...which I guess I am. Love your cat's color!
We had an adored cat like your Pinky - Tally WHO-who. He let the kids do anything to him. Our present cat, Trey-you rolls over to have his belly rubbed...and the second you do, he claws and bits you. Sooo lovely. But we love him anyway!
you all need to get a little tool called the "furminator". It's a comb like would be on the end of an electric razor. As you comb it takes out so much hair you'd be amazed. I use it on my Chihuahuas and they don't mind it, even like it!
My sweet girl is a short hair and I don't even see her lick that much but the other day 2 urps came up. If I see it coming I'll run over and put something underneath her. She won't let me comb or brush her. When I see her go outside and eat grass, I know what's coming!!
Kitten, Kitten, Kitten...I'm a major kitty lover :) I love your post, and can completely relate! My beautiful twin kitties (both in heaven, bless them) were long-haired domestics....dang, if I had a nickel for every hairball I had to pick-up, I'd be a millionaire... Give Pinky and Trouble a scratch from me, please :)
Snooty Primadona's Sparkling Outlook On Life ... Or Not
Growing older takes a seriously sick sense of humor, not to mention emotional & physical stamina.... it isn't for the weak minded or faint of heart, I assure you.
I will try to guide you through the aging process with a little humor, tales from the past entwined with stories of today, tips you'll need to keep from looking & acting like an old hag, and the music you'll need to listen to in order to stay "young at heart". Or at least put up a good appearance.
Trouble is a beautiful cat! I've always thought so. My cats would never allow brushing!
NO WAY could I brush our cat, Milton. Each pat comes with a handful of hair these days.
Our Yorkie, Griffin, always rolls in the mulch after he gets home from grooming. Kills me!
Cats do have an attitude, and lots of hair. I haven't had cats in a long time, but still miss having them around. I can't say I miss all that hair floating around, though. Willie provides plenty. I've been told knee high's filled with cat and dog hair and placed in the garden will do much to clear up my rabbit issues. I may give that a try. If it works, I will have found a use for all that hair. ;)
My cats enjoy brushing time, especially the two older ones who are gone now. The longer haired one would come running when she knew it was brushing time, she loved it so much. Like most cats she would let you know when she was done by walking away in a huff, but she was good for at least 15 minutes of brush time.
Ok .. throw away that human hair brush and go get one for cats .. click here this is the one both Jack and Rose adore ...
Daryl: I have one of those brushes & she won't let me near her with it. She has a condition called itchy skin syndrome and apparently it irritates her to use that brush. Talk about finicky!
My monster cat is a long haired [what was I thinking?] and LOVES being brushed...all over- HARD! I can usually get 10 hairballs [I call them kittens cause that's how big each one is] off of her before my arms want to fall off...;} She begs me for it daily. Her preference in brushes is the wire/rubber tipped kind. Helps scratch her skin while I'm at it...she thinks I'm her mommie grooming her...which I guess I am. Love your cat's color!
We had an adored cat like your Pinky - Tally WHO-who. He let the kids do anything to him. Our present cat, Trey-you rolls over to have his belly rubbed...and the second you do, he claws and bits you. Sooo lovely. But we love him anyway!
you all need to get a little tool called the "furminator". It's a comb like would be on the end of an electric razor. As you comb it takes out so much hair you'd be amazed. I use it on my Chihuahuas and they don't mind it, even like it!
Mr. Franklin is not much of a shedder especially next to Senor Pablo the puppy Pug, who sheds constantly! Trouble is a pretty lady.
My sweet girl is a short hair and I don't even see her lick that much but the other day 2 urps came up. If I see it coming I'll run over and put something underneath her. She won't let me comb or brush her. When I see her go outside and eat grass, I know what's coming!!
Glad you enjoyed the photo essay of New England.
What's on the party planning menus this summer?
Kitten, Kitten, Kitten...I'm a major kitty lover :) I love your post, and can completely relate! My beautiful twin kitties (both in heaven, bless them) were long-haired domestics....dang, if I had a nickel for every hairball I had to pick-up, I'd be a millionaire...
Give Pinky and Trouble a scratch from me, please :)
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