Monday, August 16, 2010

New Video Footage of Felicia And The Fox Family....

As of late the foxes have been all but absent. Then, today, they show back up minus yet another pup.. It appears that now there are only two, the boy and the girl. Felicia is still with them but we haven't seen handsome Fernando all summer long. Not. Once.

I'd like to apologize ahead of time for my shoddy filming skills. It's enough to make you dizzy, really. I never meant to be up for an Oscar nomination anyway, right?

They still know where to come in order to be safe...

Is it little wonder foxes are thought to be highly intelligent? Besides, they are ever so entertaining.


Bodaciousboomer said...

You are so lucky to have the foxes. I'm so jealous. Before we moved a few moths ago, we had lots of wildlife too. Unfortunately, they were opossums, not quite as cute as foxes.

Besides, our twins always took care of them in short order. You would've thought they'd have finally stopped coming over our fence, but noooo.

I guess opossums tend to be suicidal. It was actually sad.

scargosun said...

yay! Love me some fox cam.

imbeingheldhostage said...

So Felicia is ok???? When did I miss the post where she returned? Must investigate...

Roan said...

I never get tired of watching!


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