Knowing that it will be a downhill roll to Christmas from here on (8 Saturdays left until Christmas), I made a quickie trip to see my San Antonio friends. I needed to take her the things I bought for her at her mother's estate sale and I knew that I'd have to wait until January or later, if I didn't do it now. After 58 years, I've finally figured out things like this.
It was perfect weather for driving so I seized the opportunity to take a few pictures of the scenery. It's pretty dull leaving here, but it does get better as you go along. Lots of plateaus and mesas, with plenty of desert at ground level. By the time you pass Kerrville, the scenery gets much lovelier.
After shopping, we drove by the University of the Incarnate Word (it's basically across the street), which has a beautiful campus. I just had to stop for a few indiscreet shots...
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go to Groomer's Seafood because they're closed on the weekends (thank gawd!). I could have done some serious damage there.
As usual, I missed my turn on the way home, but the scenery was great, so I didn't mind too terribly much. It was only a 45 minute detour and I rather enjoyed it. When you screw up, it's always nice to enjoy it, right? I was still home in time to get the decorations and candy ready for the Trick or Treaters. As always, I traumatized the neighborhood children with my witch hat that has attached scraggly hair. We had a ton of kids and the candy was all gone by 9:00 PM (I even raided my golf-candy-stash for the last group), so I turned out the lights and called it a success....
Sounds like a nice trip. I had some of the Vampire chardonnay and was pleasantly surprised.
Thanks a lot for the "8 Saturday" reminder. That's just crazy!
8 Saturdays??? Have mercy. Oh, and I love a wrong way adventure;)
It's never a wrong turn if you having fun!!
We had 0 trick or treaters so I mark it up as a success since I love candy!!
Sounds like a nice trip...I have been to San Antonio for the annual Breast cancer symposium that is held there. I have been there twice. Lovely place! I hope to return...It sounds like you had a fun Halloween too, very generous of you to give up your golf candy!
8 Saturdays until Christmas? Really? God help me...
Looks/sounds like an amazing time! Love that you always miss your turn-me too
Hi kiddo. Just wanted to let you know that I gave you the Stylish Blogger Award. If you pop by my place you can see how to pay it forward.
Hi there Snooty, I have given you a blog award! The Stylish Blogger Award! Just click on my name and go to my blog to pick it up and to play it forward by following the few rules...
Pinkim from Truly Simpy Pink
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