I wasn't allowed to take part in the process of cleaning out, which is most understandable. SD was afraid I'd start dragging things in from the trash, so I had my *blinders* on for the duration of said room purging. (I only dragged back a few things in secrecy. I'm nothing if not predictable.)
So, these are the before and during pictures to the process. I plan to have her big window replaced with a bay window that has a window seat with extra storage. This is something I wanted to do the entire time she was growing up, but life just kept getting in the way. Until. Now.
SD's room was once a *blackout room* (with the high school purple throws pinned over the windows). Really, could it possibly be any worse? Oh, yes. It could be and was, much worse. I've never been accused of being a decorator, okay? However, I'm determined to learn since it is the one thing that interests me at the present. Her room has been that gawd awful pink since we moved in this house in 1986. The whole house was all beautifully painted (inside and outside) prior to us moving in, and it was beautiful back then. In 1986.
I also went to Target for Christmas storage bins, which were all on sale. I'm hoping that this really catapults me into the unfamiliar world of being organized, a place I really want to be.
Over the holidays, I took advantage of local store sales and finished up the den with some lovely micro-fiber pillows that give the room a much warmer feel. Mind you, this is actually *my office* that also serves as our den and now it really does feel *cozy*.
Anyhoo, I hope you care to join me on my trek through uncharted decorating waters. It promises to be a good giggle or two. That is, if I don't go completely mad during the process and end up in the loony bin...
Been there. Done that. In our case we scanned everything scannable onto a disk, so they could keep their clutter and review it at their leisure- at their place. Congrats on the room re-do. You did a nice job.
Love it! And love Bodacious' idea of scanning!
start with a fabric you love for the bedding and curtains and choose your paint color from there. The carpet is a nice neutral and should go with anything. I picture a pale relaxing spa blue with that sandy carpet.
But, if I may be frank I see one more thing that has to go... whatever that window treatment is, it can't stay!
This may sound silly but I love that you left room 'untouched' for as long as you did.
Yes, now that she's almost 26, I figure it's time. But, we do have digital pictures of the old room for her to keep. As long as she did well in school & sports, and stayed out of trouble, I let her do whatever she wanted with her room, which she did. Now it's my turn. But, she did an outstanding job cleaning out her room. It took her 4 days of really working hard.And, she did it right after finishing the 1-L semester & finals from Hell.
Oh wow. Very nice job. You made your own little sanctuary! Well done!
Welcome to the phase that never ends--organizing, arranging and redoing!
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