Normally, you run around wishing everyone a Merry Whatever with ruddy cheeks and a chilly rosy nose, with the spirit of the holidays just oozing from your pores (well, I do anyway). I suppose this year I should go out and lay in the sun for that bit of color. I'm not quite sure what to do about that warm, Christmas-y feeling, because it just seems to be absent this year. However, being West Texas, our weather is always subject to immediate and drastic change, just like any other place, I surmise.
It's not that I have too much to do because other than cooking Christmas Eve Dinner, I am done. Even down to the centerpiece on our dining table. Unfortunately, I still can't seem to take a straight or focused picture. Must be the heat. This heat wave is killing me and I've been far too busy to play golf in all this gorgeous weather. Wah.
Last year at this time it was freezing cold, which just seems to me, as it should be. How can I wear my favorite red sweater if it's 87 outside? How can we possibly gather by the fire to watch "Miracle On 34th Street" or "Christmas Story" in this heat? Well, I'll tell you how.
It's called air conditioning. I plan to crank that sucker down and enjoy *my* Christmas, no matter the cost...
Unfortunately, it looks as if we'll be canceling our Mom/Daughter ski trip this year. The ski area we go to in New Mexico is only 11% open and I assure you that's a stretch and it was 57 degrees F at the bottom of the mountain today. *sigh*. We don't have the time to make Taos or Colorado because daughter will need to get back to hit the books at the law library. We were just going to make a quickie 3 day trip. Oh well. Perhaps Spring Break will be good snow, if she can steal the time...

If you'd like to learn how to make the Sheet Music Christmas Trees, then click here for the tutorial OR here to see how Martha does it. I made one (shown in the first picture) and gave to a pianist friend of mine, who just loved it! He couldn't wait to get home and put it on his new Steinway, which made me smile.
Here's hoping everyone has their shopping done with families beginning to gather close. Our little nucleus of a family is almost gathered and the presents are wrapped. I wish all of my blogger buddies a wonderful and happy holiday, but most of all... just to be politically incorrect... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. Let us not forget what Christmas is really all about...
So, we're off to dinner with our wonderful daughter...
My oldest Daughter and SIL arrived this evening. We'll all be together for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. I'm waiting on FedEx and UPs deliveries tomorrow and Thursday and then I'll finish the wrapping. Considering I did all my shopping online from my cozy bed, being this late isn't too bad.
A very Merry Christmas to all the Snooty family! xo
It's hot and sticky here. But on the plus side, my hair look fabulous! I'm heading out to run my errands in shorts and Crocs. Ho-ho-ho.
Okay, I would love you to send me some warm weather and I'll return some cold. I hope you and your family have a fabulous Christmas. My son is here, so I'm happy. Haven't wrapped presents or done his stocking. Guess what I'll be doing today? LOL
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