Monday, January 24, 2011

The Love/Hate Relationship I Have With My Hot....

No, I'm not talking about Mr. Snoots, although I still consider him pretty hawt in my opinion. However, I'm talking about my hot glue gun. I just love all the wondrous things I can make and repair with hot glue. Honestly, the person who thought up hot glue guns with glue sticks was a freaking genius. I wish it had been me.

Now, as much as I love to use the hot glue gun, it does come with its challenges. Right now, I'm sitting here typing this with my left hand alone and my right hand in a Bloody Mary ice water (well, all the fingers anyway).

Last week I started on a new craft project... A wreath made of coffee filters and as odd as it sounds, it is turning out to be quite lovely. Unfortunately, my poor digits (Digital Phalanges) aren't faring so well. If you've ever used a glue gun then you know precisely what I'm talking about. You understand the pain of which I speak. It's that 3 to5  seconds of excruciating pain that you so joyfully get to experience when you get hot glue on any part of your body. It doesn't matter in the least which part of your body comes in contact with said hot glue. It hurts just like it was a hot ice pick going through your finger, right? No matter how desperately you try to get the glue off your fingers, the more it seems to cling to your skin, thus causing nasty burns.

Sooooo... fast forward 4 - 5 hours to when we were going out to dinner with friends. By this point it was really starting to hurt throb so I just kept sticking my forefinger ever so delicately in my ice water as if it were totally socially acceptable. No one was buying that act, which was fine since I didn't give a rat's patootie about what anyone thought anyway. I mean, why else would some woman keep her forefinger immersed in ice water, right?

Unfortunately, I still have about 25 - 30 filters to glue onto the wreath, but I'm (understandably) wary of my kindergarten skills with crafting at this particular juncture. Pain seems to almost always be involved when I get caught up in a craft project of any kind and I'm pretty sure I've had enough pain already.

I wonder if dry ice would work any better on my burn/blister (just kidding really).

Alrighty then. I finally finished the wreath, one of the longest and most painful craft projects I've undertaken in years. However, I hope you'll agree with me that it turned out even better than I'd hoped for. The best part is that I can remove the hearts after Valentine's Day, then add some shamrocks for St. Patty's Day, Easter eggs for Easter, and little flags for July 4th. I think you get the picture.

Click here for the tutorial I went by.

Oh - and, I decided the red hearts looked jicky so I took them off, going with the cleaner look.

Now, I need to let my little fingertips rest until healed. Still, I love my new wreath and I know I'd have to pay a fortune to buy one....


imbeingheldhostage said...

Awesome! It is lovely, but is that skin I see attached to the wreath? ;-)

We must have been separated at birth Snooty, I seem to get wounded during crafting too.

Tammy said...

That wreath is worth the pain! It's beautiful. Such a great idea. I've had my share of hot glue gun blisters, not fun!

Mental P Mama said...


I Am Woody said...

Ouch! And that is exactly why I don't craft. I prefer to watch. And drink:)

Bodaciousboomer said...

OUCH! What about the cold melt glue sticks? Don't they work or are you and Mr. Snoots secretly into some type of kinky pain thing? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

BTW- The wreath is really cute.

Snooty Primadona said...

Okay, wait. You mean there are cold glue sticks? How is that even possible? Argh.

Flea said...

Snoots! I love it! I saw one done using Elmer's, filters and a paper plate as the base. The plate had the middle cut out. It's so pretty!

Debbie said...

Ouch. Oh my. That's a blister. The cold glue sticks get hot too don't they? Glue has to be hot. Now I'm confused and I've never seen a wreath like this. I like it!!

Beth Dunn said...

Love the wreath!

Bodaciousboomer said...

Yes young one, there are cold melt glue guns/sticks. If you can't find one out there in the badlands just let me know and I'll send you one.


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