I'll be the first to admit I abused my body for many years but once I wised up got older I realized I could no longer ignore the effects it had on me and the toll it took on my poor unsuspecting body. The folly of youth, right?
I think this is finally the year that I grow up and realize that I can't keep abusing my body and expect it to take it forever. I don't actually abuse it as I did in my younger days but I do ignore it much of the time. It needs water. It needs food. It needs moisturizer. It needs vitamins. What more could you require, right? Wrong. The body needs exercise and so does the brain. It needs some foods far more than it needs or wants other foods. It's all a matter of pH balance, which straddles a fine line with the typical American diet. We have become a fast food society and it's killing us, ultimately. It sure was doing a number on me until I changed my ways.
Having grown up during the time that McDonald's and What-A-Burger first made their appearance (with many others to follow) I can vouch that we were all brainwashed from the time we were little kids. Most of us didn't realize what a toll this novel new idea in food would take until we hit 50 and had to go on medications to keep the long term effects of our past eating habits from killing us. Granted, many of us have genetically inherited problems, but our past eating habits didn't help either.
I can honestly say that I haven't eaten at a fast food restaurant other than Subway or Schlotzky's in years. Oh wait. There was that one Thanksgiving night that we were staying at a hotel with nothing to eat so I went out and found the only place open in Austin, Texas. Jack In The Crack Box and became deathly ill after eating that burger. It certainly taught me a lesson. Never leave home for the holidays unless you have a place to cook your own food. Or order room service. We were staying at a residence inn type place, with no room service.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I'm making a lot of changes in my life right now. Some of them have been easy. I gave up drinking chickory coffee with cream and sugar and now drink only green tea with Truvia. I used to throw little tantrums if I couldn't have my coffee every morning. I know. What was I thinking? We sometimes go a whole week without having any beef which was once unheard of in this household. Mr. Snooty's grandad was a rancher and we used to get a free side of corn-fed beef every year. I severely cut back on my use of Advil (I used to take a handful at a time when I still had my vegetable garden). Directly due to the effects of not drinking enough water (no fun) I now drink three 20 ounce cups of water every day. I used to think I was so good for drinking water all day but it was the same one cup, all day. I never used to eat breakfast because I'm too lazy to fix it. Now I have a bowl of instant oatmeal everyday because it's better than nothing. I got my bike tires fixed and am attempting to make it more than a couple of blocks each time I go out. I take more vitamins and supplements than I do medications, for preventive purposes. And the list goes on...
The latest addition to my healthy products list is this wonderful nectar of the Aloe Vera plant from Fruits Of The Earth. It's called Aloe Vera Juice and it's benefits are plentiful. Just click on the pictures to read all about it. I've long preached the healing qualities of the Aloe Vera plant and this just takes it it totally over the top. I'm convinced I can't live without Aloe Vera and I still never go on a trip without a little freshly pinched piece of Aloe Vera. I've strapped it onto a wound overnight via a sturdy Band-Aid and it's healed 70% the next day. It's medicinal qualities are better than anything you can buy at the drug store.
So... What is your personal path to better health and longevity?
Not only do I hope to live to be this old, but also this sharp:
Well, I hope to live as long at my great-grandmother and since they ate simpler foods in a simpler time, that is what I do. Whole foods (both from the store and from farm stands), very little processed food if any, as much water as I can stand (and by stand I mean how long I can stand without having to run to the bathroom). I also exercise, running 3 days a week and the other days either elliptical or something that gets me moving. That's it.
My body has literally forced me to be healthier. I cant eat carbs or sugar anymore because Im the opposite of a diabetic and if I do, my pancreas goes nuts. I have to drink tons of water because of kidney stones, and I have to exercise or else my legs get restless and I cant sleep. Consequently, I look and feel better than I have in years...but Id trade it all for a pecan pie somedays.
Love the youtube clip! Reminds me of my grandmother, rest her soul. Shed never so much as turned on a computer but bought herself one in the last years of her life and was a pro within a week.
I think all our bodies are ringing that bell! I have added Fish Oil to the mix. Vats of Vitamin D and B complex. I tried the Aloe Juice but hated the taste. Is yours any good?
I've done many things to try and be healthy... Vitamins, water, less carbs and beef... The one thing I really need to stick with that I don't is exercise. I really need a workout buddy.
Scargo: I wish I'd had your discipline at your age...
VV: Me too! I also have the restless leg thing if I don't drink enough water... among other horrors.
MPM: TY! I forgot to add that. I probably forgot other things too but will post about them as I remember them, LOL!
Tammy: I find it really hard to exercise too. Mainly because it isn't any fun. Give me something I have fun doing (like skiing) and I'm all over it. Alas, I live in the desert. No hills to go hiking in or lakes for water sports (I love kayaking). So, it's either force myself to go to a park & power walk or join a gym, which has never really appealed to me in the least.
I have not eaten red meat in over 25 yrs and can honestly say that except for one short winter, 2 months, when I dated a guy with a share in ski house in VT I have never eaten a fast food burger (we'd stop in Springfield, MA to get gas and a burger)but I am on Lipitor due to genetics.
I drink coffee all day but I have a pint bottle of water with breakfast (irish steel cut oats) and lunch and one more at 3 pm ..
I refuse to take Vit D I dont care what the blood work or the Vitamin Lobby claim, I get terrible cramps in my legs and hands from it.
I walk a lot, I stay out of the sun but wear sunblock every day rain or shine
I am trying to stay as healthy as possible ... but I refuse to do more or give up more than I have.
Daryl: You are already the perfect picture of health!
Heather: You are the perfect picture of health as well! I didn't take vitamins at your age either but as I've gotten older, skipped meals, burned the candle at both ends, etc. I found that they do me good... especially the Estroven I take for menopause.
Almonds + honey. Every morning I take 1 tablespoon of honey. (Yes, I take it... like medicine, but better tasting.) I also eat 5 almonds. That + my coffee (1/2 dk roast / 1/2 2% milk) is my breakfast everyday. And I feel really good for my advanced age. :o)
Hmmm... Limiting myself to one cup of coffee per day, Very little beef, only the occasional fast food (I love quizno sammies but I would kill for a wendy's burger) and just starting to take b vitamins and vitamin d. Apparently my bones are getting iffy from all the steroids. Thankfully, my cholesterol is still okay.
Snooty Primadona's Sparkling Outlook On Life ... Or Not
Growing older takes a seriously sick sense of humor, not to mention emotional & physical stamina.... it isn't for the weak minded or faint of heart, I assure you.
I will try to guide you through the aging process with a little humor, tales from the past entwined with stories of today, tips you'll need to keep from looking & acting like an old hag, and the music you'll need to listen to in order to stay "young at heart". Or at least put up a good appearance.
Well, I hope to live as long at my great-grandmother and since they ate simpler foods in a simpler time, that is what I do. Whole foods (both from the store and from farm stands), very little processed food if any, as much water as I can stand (and by stand I mean how long I can stand without having to run to the bathroom). I also exercise, running 3 days a week and the other days either elliptical or something that gets me moving. That's it.
My body has literally forced me to be healthier.
I cant eat carbs or sugar anymore because Im the opposite of a diabetic and if I do, my pancreas goes nuts. I have to drink tons of water because of kidney stones, and I have to exercise or else my legs get restless and I cant sleep.
Consequently, I look and feel better than I have in years...but Id trade it all for a pecan pie somedays.
Love the youtube clip! Reminds me of my grandmother, rest her soul. Shed never so much as turned on a computer but bought herself one in the last years of her life and was a pro within a week.
I think all our bodies are ringing that bell! I have added Fish Oil to the mix. Vats of Vitamin D and B complex. I tried the Aloe Juice but hated the taste. Is yours any good?
I've done many things to try and be healthy... Vitamins, water, less carbs and beef... The one thing I really need to stick with that I don't is exercise. I really need a workout buddy.
Scargo: I wish I'd had your discipline at your age...
VV: Me too! I also have the restless leg thing if I don't drink enough water... among other horrors.
MPM: TY! I forgot to add that. I probably forgot other things too but will post about them as I remember them, LOL!
Tammy: I find it really hard to exercise too. Mainly because it isn't any fun. Give me something I have fun doing (like skiing) and I'm all over it. Alas, I live in the desert. No hills to go hiking in or lakes for water sports (I love kayaking). So, it's either force myself to go to a park & power walk or join a gym, which has never really appealed to me in the least.
MPM: I forgot to say that I drink it with Dole Strawberry/Orange/Banana Juice and it's *gulp-able*...
I have not eaten red meat in over 25 yrs and can honestly say that except for one short winter, 2 months, when I dated a guy with a share in ski house in VT I have never eaten a fast food burger (we'd stop in Springfield, MA to get gas and a burger)but I am on Lipitor due to genetics.
I drink coffee all day but I have a pint bottle of water with breakfast (irish steel cut oats) and lunch and one more at 3 pm ..
I refuse to take Vit D I dont care what the blood work or the Vitamin Lobby claim, I get terrible cramps in my legs and hands from it.
I walk a lot, I stay out of the sun but wear sunblock every day rain or shine
I am trying to stay as healthy as possible ... but I refuse to do more or give up more than I have.
I swear I've been healthier since I started golfing. I wish I could afford a caddie, so I could walk, but that's not happening.
I'm not big on vitamins or supplements as I have a tender tummy. But I work hard at drinking more H2O and eating more protein.
I do take the milk thistle you recommended. :o)
So nice! What a great video. I just try to laugh, eat well, and exercise.
Daryl: You are already the perfect picture of health!
Heather: You are the perfect picture of health as well! I didn't take vitamins at your age either but as I've gotten older, skipped meals, burned the candle at both ends, etc. I found that they do me good... especially the Estroven I take for menopause.
TNA: And right you should! Good for you!
Almonds + honey. Every morning I take 1 tablespoon of honey. (Yes, I take it... like medicine, but better tasting.) I also eat 5 almonds. That + my coffee (1/2 dk roast / 1/2 2% milk) is my breakfast everyday. And I feel really good for my advanced age. :o)
Hmmm... Limiting myself to one cup of coffee per day, Very little beef, only the occasional fast food (I love quizno sammies but I would kill for a wendy's burger) and just starting to take b vitamins and vitamin d. Apparently my bones are getting iffy from all the steroids. Thankfully, my cholesterol is still okay.
Oh for a Schlotzky's. That's one of the things I miss about Texas. ;( But, how do you drink it? How does it taste?
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