In my constrained efforts to beat that clock again, I've started swimming every day. My friends that have a house in the Colorado mountains have retreated to the cool of said mountains for *a while*. That means I have total use of their pool here until their return, so I'm making good use of it. I. Love. To. Swim. Being in the water and swimming makes me happier than almost anything these days. However, when I first started out this year I had no idea how out of shape I was! The first day I was only able to swim a weak 5 laps. Whew! It was a long winter (which I mostly spent sitting on my arse, blogging). Now it's time to pay the piper, so I'm pushing myself every day to do more.

After studying my naked image in the 3-way mirror, I was slapped with a reality. That reality was that I used to be in shape and for some reason let it all go and now it's time to pick up where I left off. It's time to get my derrierre into shape. Don't get me wrong. I actually like the reflection of my body. Naked, I look wonderful. It's clothing that gives me pause. If I looked as good in clothes as I look naked, I'd be such a happy camper.
So, yes, I'm trying to find a happy medium between *chasing the clock* and trying to *beat the clock*, as if there is such a thing. I took several *BEFORE* shots of myself and at the end of this summer I will reveal those pictures along with the *AFTER* pictures. Don't worry. They won't be naked pictures. But, they will be pictures of me in a swimsuit so that you can see the improvement. Because there WILL be some improvement. I'm determined and once I set my mind to something, there is no deterring me. I never give up on anything I undertake and don't plan to start now. So, stay tuned...
Now, you must go to The Life of a Suburban Princess blog to sign on for her giveaway of a *Sex And The City* tote bag that is just adorable! I'm as big a fan of SATC as SP is, so I really want it, but won't die if I don't get it. Anyway, you can enter the contest in 4 ways:
1. Leave a comment on her blog for 1 entry.
2. Follow her on her blog for 1 entry.
3. Promote her blog on your blog, in a post for 2 entries.
4. Without looking it up, you must tell her how Carrie & BIG met in the early shows of Sex And The City.

So, have fun and Good Luck!
I don't look good naked or in clothes. I'm going to get right on that, too. Right after I get back from Madrid.....
Good for you - what an inspiration (as I sit here thinking about how much longer it will be until lunch time). I definately like my self in - some - clothes. No nudist camp for me, ever!
There's nothing like clothes to show off every lump and bump! I am on the same bandwagon...I have yoga tomorrow morning!
Thanks for the plug!
I look better with clothes on .. I am not in shape, I am thin, I have always been thin but being thin does not mean being in shape ... swimming is the best exercise .. it and walking I think are the best low impact way to exercise/tone and get a good cardio work out.. GO! Get'em Lizzie!
MPM: That's right. NO dieting on vacation, especially in Spain! (I'm going to Italy w/ a friend in the Fall.)
Nof25A: Don't kid yourself. I just finished my oatmeal & all I can think about is what I'm going to have for lunch, LOL! But, no nudist camp for me. I may like my body naked but I'm not sure I could look at other people naked...
SP: I know yoga is good for you but I just can't abide by organized exercise. I need to be free to exercise when I have the time & feel like it. But, I'm pushing myself this time with the swimming...
Daryl: I do love the swimming but here, the walking is as boring as watching paint dry. I think we all just have to find the one thing that keeps us interested & swimming is it for me. All it takes for me is for someone to tell me I can't do something, then I set about proving them wrong. It works every time!
When you're in that pool, swim a few laps for me.
I was horrified the other day when I propped my elbow on my car window sill. There is not one little bit of muscle definition in my forearm! I have an old lady arm. WHERE ARE MY 3 LB. WEIGHTS. Oh, right, I need to find my motivation first!
I wish I liked to swim like that. I love the water, just not lots of active swimming. It always seems to give me a headache. For now, I'll stick to the running and elliptical and walking the dogs. :)
Annie: If it makes you feel any better, my arms look like my grandmother's did at 60. Ugh! But, I'm determined to change that...
Jen: I strongly believe you've got to stick with what you like or else you won't want to do it. So, good for you!
well let me tell ya.. I would scare most any one if they seen me nekkid, and clothes don't do much for me either. Im voluptous ( code for PLUMP ) hubby loves all of me, I love, well, half of me so I am trying to work on it, but food just whispers my name constantly..
Sex and the City 2 was good I enjoyed it but not as much as 1
Hmmm... I haven't seen it yet because I don't have anyone to go see it with. I guess I'll have to see it when it comes out on DVD.
I'm so with you! Naked (at the right angle, I'm happy) but when a dress I bought 2 months ago suddenly doesn't fit? Well I wish I liked to swim. Have fun getting in shape. I'm doing it too!
I simply must follow you! LOVE what I'm seeing and reading here.
I swam competitively in my much younger years and it got to be an addiction? I really miss not being in the pool...;(
One my dreams is to have my own pool one day...
I will trying to do more swimming this year...if it ever warms up enough to do so. I'll even walk there and back [2 streets up hill from me...;}]
The closest I ever get to a golf game is when I go walking on their paths...dodging the balls...;0
Good luck! I think I sat on my arse way more than usual this winter. ;(
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