Personally speaking 2010 has been a roller coaster for me and my family but all in all, it's been a pretty good year. Sadly, the national and world news reflects otherwise. Let's take a little tumble back over the biggest events that happened in the last 365 days that made up the year 2010. These are my personal picks for the important news, not necessarily humorous or interesting. Just the most important in my little mind, made the list:
1. Chilean earthquake and tsunami.

2. Haiti Earthquake.
3. West Virginia mine explosion.

4. Icelandic volcano eruption.
5. British Petroleum Offshore Drilling Rig Explodes, Killing 11.

6. BP Offshore Drilling Rig Begins Releasing Obscene Amounts of Oil Into The Gulf of Mexico.
7. Arizona passes immigration law.

9. The whole Tiger Woods Fiasco.
10. Snowmageddon.....
Soooo... If you're thinking you didn't have a good year, I suggest that you upgrade yourself to just being happy you're alive and have a roof over your head, with your loved ones not too far away. Life is short... Make it count....Perhaps 2011 will bring all good things to everyone, but I'm no Pollyanna. I know there will be more disasters, more earth shattering than Al & Tipper Gore's separation, and more important than anything that happens to be going on in my itty bitty universe. Still, I can't help but spill my guts. It's good therapy...
I'm dreaming about getting our house real-estate-market ready this year as well as trying to make it a reality. What do you dream about for the new year, 2011? I'm calling it Mission 2011. Maybe.

Thanks for reminding us that even though we had our personal ups and downs, others have had it much worse.
I don't make resolutions, I have a Mission Statement, which is basically the same thing, but sounds more professional and thoughtful. Lots of luck getting your house ready.
A little perspective is always nice! I wish you much real estate success in 2011! 2010 was it for us, and we couldn't be happier...get on it! xoxo
Here's to 2011!!
I think you should've left #10 as it was originally. It was a big deal.
Amen and I hope 2011 is better than everyone says it will be. I just hope I can afford to get through it.
I'm blessed and thankful. I have a roof, peanut butter and my son.
Hell, what else is there?
In 2011, I don't want to hear the word "nodule" even once, only the word "clean".
I hope to love what we picked out and ordered for our new kitchen (a bit of buyer's remorse/worry over colors).
I hope to go on a few fun family vacations!
I hope to break 95 this year!
Stay motivated with the house! It will all be worth it!
I'm on a mission to get my house under control. Not for reselling, but for an easy, organized summer of golfing.
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