Thursday, March 3, 2011

I apologize For My Absence... I've Been Waiting On Doctors & Reading A Book

Pardon me for my absence but I couldn't get Wi-Fi at either doctors office today (crazy, right?). My first appointment today was with my GP at 9:00 AM, where I read nearly the entire first third of the Stephen King Book "Under The Dome" (a total of 1,074 pages) until I was at last led to the area where they take your weight, pulse and blood pressure. Then I was moved to yet another room where I was able to read many more chapters before the doctor finally arrived. I spent a total of 3 hours waiting and 15 minutes getting berated by my doctor (sounds like fun, huh?). After being scolded for my bad choices in life, I was able to leave with my tail tucked between my legs. Apparently, all of the good things I've been doing just aren't enough. I suppose I should have been out exercising in the below freezing temps or the blowing dirt that was so bad you couldn't see across the street.

Speaking of which, was my next destination... The Allergy Doctor. My appointment was for 1:10 PM, which I was just able to make. I finally saw the doctor at 3:00 PM but he spent over 30 minutes with me asking questions about when my allergies occur. That kind of thing. Let me just say I adore him already, just like everyone said that I would. Then, it turned out that he is best friends with my GP (both from India but speak perfect English). So, I'm really liking this union. It means I can expect many hours of waiting as well as lots of berating, which I probably need. Oh. Joy.

I told both doctors that I'm now hooked on Dr. Oz and The Doctors and they were both thrilled! They each told me that it makes their job easier when their patients know the facts, as well as making us more aware of our conditions, the things we can do to improve our health and the treatments we need.

So, the afternoon was spent getting to know the doctor and vice verse. My first functional appointment is next week for the allergy testing, which will take 3 hours. Judging by the time it took just for an appointment with the doc, I made my appointment for 8:00 AM so that I'll hopefully get out of there by 2:00 or 3:00 PM, but that might be a pipe dream. However, everyone says that once the preliminary visit and testing are finished, it's fairly quick to go in for your shots (after the initial adjustments of course).

I cannot have any meds for allergies until after the testing results, which means my head is in a total fog. I can't function without allergy meds, so this will certainly be fun for the next 8 days....


I Am Woody said...

I am glad you have found a couple of doctors that you like. Hopefully, they will be able to help!! And you'll be able to finish all those books you've been wanting to read :)

Debbie said...

Hopefully you can get some answers and eventually be able to function better! They always berate us...gah.

Good you like can trust them :)

Flea said...

Oh wow. Good for you, finding a specialist you like! Here's hoping that he gets everything in good working order with the allergies.

Mental P Mama said...

You will be soooo glad once you get which shots you need worked out...I am on year 4, and I don't think I'd have any quality of life without them. And I have an Indian GP, too. We are kindred spirits....

Tammy said...

Getting "berated" is one reason I avoid the Dr... Gah! Glad you found a specialist you like, that's half the battle. Good luck with the testing, I know you will keep us posted.


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